This project shows:
- how to use an authentication and authorization service like Keycloak to manage a user directory service
- how to connect to the user directory from a spring boot app and a web UI, and which are the related concepts
the following Keycloak objects are covered:
- realm
- users
- roles to be defined on a realm
- assigning a user one or more realm roles
- OAuth2.0 client of type public, typically to be embedded in a web UI in a browser
- OAuth2.0 client of type confidential, typically to be embedded in an application that can store secrets, because this client authenticates through a client id and a client secret, provided by the user directory
- JWT, token signed by the user directory, containing claims, which are data about the user and permissions
- signature verification of the JWT token, through the Keycloak certificate (downloaded by spring boot and stored in a cache for 5 minutes by default )
the following concepts of roles are covered:
- manage users with roles in Keycloak
- position roles in JWT tokens through a custom token mapper
- express roles in an application spring boot to secure web methods (ex through le tag hasRole)
- configure and customize in spring security the read of token claims and use them in the application logic
the following concepts are covered:
- authorization code flow with PKCE, used in a web UI
- client credentials flow, imposing the client authentication through a client id and client secret, used in an backend storing a secret in a secure way
- password (deprecated but useful to test and debug)
- get a token
- refresh a token
- logout (delete of a token through deletion of local storage items and Keycloak cookies in the browser)
see the java file
cd exkc-api
mvn package
cd ..
podman-compose build exkc-api
cd exkc-backend
mvn package
cd ..
podman-compose build exkc-backend
podman-compose build exkc-ui
podman-compose build exkc-keycloak
podman-compose up
podman-compose down
http://localhost:8088 admin/admin
podman volume rm exkc_pgdata