- Most people are busy and trade/invest stocks as a hobby aside from their main occupation. As a software developer and student, I don't have much time to spend on stock research and thus need a quick filter on important information. The goal of this project is to quickly provide the DD done by the great people on r/WSB for which the stocks have rallied in a given timeframe.
- Technical goals: learn/practice Python, Django, ReactJS, statistical methods.
- The script which extracts info from r/wsb is in the "WSBAnalyzer.ipynb" jupyter notebook.
- The other files are from Django and includes practice sites such as a to-do list which I used to learn Django.
- Write script to scrape r/wsb, validate/filter information and display relevant data. [Completed but needs improvement]
- Implement website backend with Django. [Currently doing]
- Implement website frontend with ReactJS and display graphs beautifully. [Not done yet]
- Implement statistical methods such as linear regression for forecasting. [Not done yet]
- Python (pandas + matplotlib + jupyternotebook + VSCODE)
- Django
- Reddit API & IEXFinance API
- ReactJS