Node library to enable opening Socket connections via an HTTPS proxy.
Based on the implementation in, but adapted to expose raw Sockets, instead of just http/https requests.
yarn add @journeyapps/https-proxy-socket
const { HttpsProxySocket } = require('@journeyapps/https-proxy-socket');
const fetch = require('node-fetch');
// Proxy connection options
const proxy = new HttpsProxySocket('https://my-proxy.test', {
// Proxy auth and headers may be set here, for example:
auth: 'myuser:mypassword' // Basic auth
const agent = proxy.agent({
// Additional TLS options for the host may be set here, for example:
// rejectUnauthorized: false, // Disable TLS checks completely (dangerous)
// ca: fs.readFileSync('my-ca-cert.pem') // Use a custom CA cert
// Documentation of the available options is available here:
const response = await fetch('https://myhost.test', { agent: agent });
const { HttpsProxySocket } = require('@journeyapps/https-proxy-socket');
const proxy = new HttpsProxySocket('https://my-proxy.test');
const socket = await proxy.connect({host: 'myhost.test', port: 1234});
const sql = require('mssql')
const { HttpsProxySocket, useProxyForTedious } = require('@journeyapps/https-proxy-socket');
const proxy = new HttpsProxySocket({
// Same as above
// Register the proxy globally for tedious/mssql
async function run() {
// Connect using the proxy
await sql.connect('mssql://username:[email protected]/mydb?encrypt=true')
try {
const result = await sql.query`Select TOP(1) * from mytable`
} finally {
await sql.close();