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Josh Walawender edited this page Oct 24, 2017 · 1 revision


The 2016 version of the pipeline no longer requires IRAF/PyRAF, so the installation should be simpler than previous versions.

The pipeline requires the following python modules:

  • numpy
  • astropy
  • ccdproc
  • scipy

Installing python

Using the Anaconda Distribution

Install Anaconda as per the instructions on the Anaconda web site. The pipeline currently only runs on python 2.7, so download and install that version, not the python 3.x version.

Once anaconda is installed, you can use the conda command line tool to get the other packages you will need.

Install the mospy Environment

Anaconda provides "environments" where you can have a different set of package versions than your "root" environment (the default). We will create an environment named "mospy" for running the MOSFIRE DRP. We have shared the specifications for this environment on You can install the "mospy" environment on your machine from our online specification.

If you are using a computer running macOS, run:

conda env create joshwalawender/mospy
source activate mospy

If you are using a computer running linux, run:

conda env create joshwalawender/mospy_linux
source activate mospy_linux

The first line of either command will download and install the appropriate version of python and the various package dependencies, so this may take a while.

The second line (source activate mospy) activates that particular conda environment. If you want to return to your root (default) conda environment, just type the source deactivate command.

Using Other Python Install Methods

The DRP support group recommends the anaconda python install and has tested the DRP using that installer, but if an appropriate version of python (e.g. python 2.7) is installed via some other package manager (e.g. apt-get, brew, yum, etc.), then you should be able to install the python package dependencies using either that package manager (if they are available via that package manager) or using pip. The following should give you the required set of dependencies:

pip install numpy
pip install astropy
pip install ccdproc

Download and Install the DRP

Download the zip file of the released master branch from the github page for the DRP, or directly from this link.

Move the zip file to a location on your computer where you want the source code to reside, then unzip the file:


Change in to the resulting MosfireDRP-master/ directory:

cd MosfireDRP-master

Make sure you are using the mospy environment if you installed python using anaconda, then run the install program:

python install

The executable mospy should now be in your path. If you used the Anaconda based install, it will be in the Anaconda bin directory (e.g. ~/anaconda2/bin/mospy).

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