###A unique way for your users to prove they're human!###
CAPTCHAs suck. Math problems are exclusionary. Color-based CAPTCHAs stop color-blind people from using your site.
Slide to Captcha is a new way to look at CAPTCHA. A user simply slides to unlock the submit functionality of your form (an interaction metaphor they are used to already).
##Slide to CAPTCHA Basics##
####Include the CSS####
####Including the Javascript#### <script src="path/to/slide-to-captcha.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>
####Calling Slide to CAPTCHA#### $('#identifier-of-slidewrapper').slideToCAPTCHA();
####Options#### Option Default ----------------------------------------- handle: ".handle" // Class of handle inside #identifier-of-slidewrapper cursor: "move" // The cursor your mouse will use when hovering over handle direction: "x" // Can be x or y. Not done with y slide yet. customValidation: false // If you write your own validation, choose true
##To Do##
- Test in older browsers
- More options
- Vertical slide functionality
- Basic horizontal functionality
- Tested in Chrome 30, 32, IE 8/9/10/11 (some styles don't work in 8/9), and Firefox 24