This tutorial shows how to build a simple network model using NEURON and simulating it using CoreNEURON.
Type of simulations currently supported by CoreNEURON :
- todo 1
- todo 2
- todo 3
- Simulating larger network models on modern supercomputing platforms
- Reduce memory footprint (5x-7x lower memory usage)
- Support for GPUs using OpenACC
- Efficient vectorisation and Memory layout support (AoS/SoA)
- todo 1
- Only supports fixed time-step (no variable time-step support)
- No support for multi-split
- No support for HOC/Python scripting during execution time (you can use HOC/Python from NEURON to build models)
- todo 1
This section provide instructions to install NEURON, CoreNEURON and dependencies. Note that these instructions are for standard x86-linux
platform. See CoreNEURON page and NEURON page for information about other architectures like BG-Q, GPU etc.
In order to use NEURON and CoreNEURON together we have to download following repositories:
Below are additional package dependecies :
- CMake 3+ (3.5 for GPU systems)
- MPI 2.0+ [optional, for parallel simulations]
- PGI OpenACC Compiler >=16.3 [optional, for GPU systems]
- CUDA Toolkit >=6.0 [optional, for GPU systems]
Here are github repositories:
Note that we are using the NEURON github mirror repository. You can also clone using a mercurial repository from bitbucket or The latter often lags a few changesets behinde the former.
For this tutorial, in order to support GPU platforms, we have to modify the Hodgkin–Huxley model in NEURON (i.e. hh.mod). (note that this doesn't change any behaviour of model itself).
cd nrn
sed -i -e 's/GLOBAL minf/RANGE minf/g' src/nrnoc/hh.mod
sed -i -e 's/TABLE minf/:TABLE minf/g' src/nrnoc/hh.mod
NOTE : We are disabling use of TABLE statements and replacing GLOBAL variables with RANGE). This will be transparently handle by NEURON and CoreNEURON in the near future.
Once you clone the repositories and made the above mentioned changes, you can install NEURON and CoreNEURON as described below. Make sure to have MPI installed (or in $PATH) if you want to enable the parallel version.
NOTE : full installation script is provided at the end of this section.
We will use following directory structure for installation :
export BASE_DIR=$HOME/coreneuron_tutorial
export INSTALL_DIR=$BASE_DIR/install
export SOURCE_DIR=$BASE_DIR/sources
# create directories
Clone repositories as:
git clone --recursive
git clone
Install NEURON using standard instructions provided on For example, typical neuron installation without GUI is:
cd $SOURCE_DIR/nrn
sed -i -e 's/GLOBAL minf/RANGE minf/g' src/nrnoc/hh.mod
sed -i -e 's/TABLE minf/:TABLE minf/g' src/nrnoc/hh.mod
./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --without-iv --with-paranrn --with-nrnpython=`which python`
make && make install
For more information see instructions on
Once NEURON is installed, be sure to set PATH
export PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/x86_64/bin:$INSTALL_DIR/bin:$PATH
Now we will start building the ringtest
model. Clone the github repository as:
git clone
cd ringtest
This repository contains a mod
sub-directory which has MOD files (for the gap-junction related test). Using the standard NEURON workflow, we can build a special
executable using nrnivmodl
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
nrnivmodl mod
This will create x86_64/special
executable in the ringtest
Now we are ready to run this model using NEURON
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
./x86_64/special -python -tstop 100 -coredat coreneuron_data
This will run NEURON for 100 milliseconds
and writes spike output to the coreneuron_data/spk1.std
These are standard steps for running simulations with NEURON (which you are already familiar with). We will now look into additional details for using CoreNEURON.
has following code section :
# write intermediate dataset for coreneuron
# run simulation using NEURON
runtime, load_balance, avg_comp_time, spk_time, gap_time = prun(tstop)
The ParallelContext
object in NEURON has a new method called nrnbbcore_write
. We have to call this method once we build the model using Python
interface of NEURON. The nrnbbcore_write
method dumps a copy of the in-memory network model to binary files in the specified directory (coreneuron_data
in previous command). Once this model is dumped to file, CoreNEURON can read and continue simulation of the model.
Note :
requires that the NEURON's internal data structures be in cache efficient form and hence thecvode.cache_efficient(1)
method must be executed prior to initialization of the model.
NOTE : typically the only change in your existing Python / HOC scripts will be an additional call to pc.nrnbbcore_write("directory_name").
NOTE : you should comment out the call to pc.psolve(time) (unless you want to run simulations using NEURON and compare the results with CoreNEURON).
Note that
has a prun
method which internally calls pc.psolve(tstop)
. This will simulate the model using NEURON
. If you just want to build the model using NEURON and simulate with CoreNEURON
then you can comment out prun
function call (and print
messages at the end of the file).
Once you run NEURON and the data files needed by CoreNEURON are generated, we can run CoreNEURON for simulating the model.
Similar to special
in NEURON, we have to build CoreNEURON executable:
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
mkdir -p coreneuron_x86 && cd coreneuron_x86
cmake $BASE_DIR/sources/CoreNeuron -DADDITIONAL_MECHPATH=$SOURCE_DIR/ringtest/mod
make -j
This will create a coreneuron_exec
executable under coreneuron_x86/bin/
. Note that we have to use -DADDITIONAL_MECHPATH
argument with the directory path for mod
files (otherwise CoreNEURON will be built with only internal MOD files).
NOTE : If MOD files, or any CoreNEURON files are change, coreneuron_exec needs to be recompiled and linked using the
command. If MOD files are added rebuild usingcmake ; make
. This is similar to building a newspecial
Now we can run the simulation using CoreNEURON
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
./coreneuron_x86/bin/coreneuron_exec -e 100 -d coreneuron_data
The -e
specifies the stop time for a simulation in milliseconds and -d
is the path to the intermediate model files dumped by NEURON
when the nrnbbcore_write
method was executed. The spike output will be written to an out0.dat
If you have run the model with NEURON, you can compare NEURON
and CoreNEURON
spikes as :
diff -w out0.dat coreneuron_data/spk1.std
The spikes should be identical between NEURON and CoreNEURON.
Here is the complete build and run script that we use for testing :
# stop on error
set -e
# load required modiles on your cluster
# module load mpich cmake
export BASE_DIR=$HOME/coreneuron_tutorial
export INSTALL_DIR=$BASE_DIR/install
export SOURCE_DIR=$BASE_DIR/sources
# create directories
# clone repositories
git clone --recursive
git clone
# install neuron
cd $SOURCE_DIR/nrn
sed -i -e 's/GLOBAL minf/RANGE minf/g' src/nrnoc/hh.mod
sed -i -e 's/TABLE minf/:TABLE minf/g' src/nrnoc/hh.mod
./configure --prefix=$INSTALL_DIR --without-iv --with-paranrn --with-nrnpython=`which python`
make -j && make install
# set path
export PATH=$INSTALL_DIR/x86_64/bin:$INSTALL_DIR/bin:$PATH
# clone ring test
git clone
# build special executable with neuron
cd ringtest
nrnivmodl mod
# build coreneuron executable
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
mkdir -p coreneuron_x86 && cd coreneuron_x86
cmake $BASE_DIR/sources/CoreNeuron -DADDITIONAL_MECHPATH=$SOURCE_DIR/ringtest/mod
make -j
# run simulation using neuron
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
./x86_64/special -python -tstop 100 -coredat coreneuron_data
# run simulation using coreneuron
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
./coreneuron_x86/bin/coreneuron_exec -e 100 -d coreneuron_data
# compare spike output between neuron and coreneuron
diff -w out0.dat coreneuron_data/spk1.std
CoreNEURON has support for GPU execution using OpenACC programming model when enabled with -DENABLE_OPENACC=ON
. Note that you need working installation of PGI compiler with OpenACC support.
Here are the steps to compile with PGI compiler:
module purge #remove conflicting modules if any
module load pgi/pgi64/16.5 pgi/mpich/16.5 #change PGI / CUDA versions
module load cuda/6.0
export CC=mpicc
export CXX=mpicxx
cd $SOURCE_DIR/ringtest
mkdir -p coreneuron_x86_gpu && cd coreneuron_x86_gpu
make VERBOSE=1 -j
Note that the CUDA Toolkit version should be compatible with PGI compiler installed on your system. Otherwise you have to add extra C/C++ flags. For example, if we are using CUDA Toolkit 7.5 installation but PGI default target is CUDA 7.0 then we have to add :
-DCMAKE_C_FLAGS:STRING="-O2 -ta=tesla:cuda7.5" -DCMAKE_CXX_FLAGS:STRING="-O2 -ta=tesla:cuda7.5"
CoreNEURON uses Random123 library written in CUDA. As we are not using NrnRandom123
in ringtest model, if you see issues with CUDA compilation/linking (or CUDA Toolkit is not installed on your system), you can disable CUDA dependency by adding CMake option -DENABLE_CUDA_MODULES=OFF
For running simulations on a cluster or supercomputing platform, the workflow remains the same (described above). But you have to consider some additional details described below:
- Suppose you want to use
cores on your cluster. - Run NEURON with
mpi ranks (this will generateN
sub-datasets inside specific directory) - Now launch CoreNEURON with
mpi ranks and1
OpenMP thread per rank (pure-mpi
mode). OR, you can launchX
threads per rank andN
MPI ranks.
For example, if we launch a parallel simulation using 4 mpi ranks
with NEURON as :
mpirun -n 4 ./x86_64/special -mpi -python -tstop 100 -coredat coreneuron_data
Now launch CoreNEURON in pure-mpi
mode as:
mpiexec -n 4 ./coreneuron_x86/bin/coreneuron_exec -e 100 -d coreneuron_data/ -mpi
Or with 2 ranks
and 2 OpenMP threads per mpi rank
as :
mpiexec -n 2 ./coreneuron_x86/bin/coreneuron_exec -e 100 -d coreneuron_data/ -mpi
Note that each rank of CoreNEURON writes a separate spike output file. You have to combine and sort the spikes :
cat out[0-9]*.dat | sort -k 1n,1n -k 2n,2n > out.spk.coreneuron
And compare spikes between NEURON and CoreNEURON :
# first sort neuron spikes
cat coreneuron_data/spk4.std | sort -k 1n,1n -k 2n,2n > out.spk.neuron
# compare neuron and coreneuron
diff -w out.spk.neuron out.spk.coreneuron
NOTE : Make sure to delete all intermediate spike output files before starting a new simulation.
hh prop sizes differ psize 25 19 dpsize 6 6
Error: hh is different version of MOD file than the one used by NEURON!
This means your hh.mod
is different between NEURON and CoreNEURON. Make sure to update hh.mod
as described in Installation
Set a MODLUNIT environment variable path to the units table file
Cant open units table in either of:
/usr/local/nrn/share/nrn/lib/nrnunits.lib../../share/lib/nrnunits.lib at line 13 in file stim.mod
This means you haven't set MODLUNIT
environment variable. See Installation section.
hoc.HocObject' has no attribute 'nrnbbcore_write
This means you are using older version of NEURON which doesn't support CoreNEURON. Download latest version from Github and compiler from source.
Assertion failed: file nrnpy_nrn.cpp, line XXXX
/Users/wchen/coreneuron_tutorial/install/x86_64/bin/nrniv: sym && sym->type == RANGEVAR
Most likely multiple incompatible versions of NEURON are installed. Set PYTHONPATH
Some models (MOD files) need slight modifications if they are using certain constructs (e.g. use of POINTER variables). We will be happy to have a look and help you get started. Send an email to Michael Hines and Pramod Kumbhar.
Here are some additional points if you want to compare performance between NEURON and CoreNEURON :
- Make sure to use optimization flags depending upon your compiler suite (see CoreNEURON page)
- Prefer Intel/Cray/PGI compilers over GCC (specifically for CoreNEURON to enable vectorisation and other optimizations)
- Your problem should be sufficiently large and not just a small trivial test. For example, in the above tutorial, we built a small network with 16 rings each with 8 cells. You can build a larger network using additonal command line arguments as :
mpirun -n 4 ./x86_64/special -mpi -python -tstop 100 -coredat coreneuron_data -nring 1024 -ncell 128 -branch 32 64
See command line arguments for more information about arguments :
$ python -h
usage: [-h] [-nring N] [-ncell N] [-npt N] [-branch N N]
[-compart N N] [-tstop float] [-gran N] [-rparm]
[-secmapping] [-show] [-gap] [-nt N] [-coredat path]
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-nring N number of rings (default 16)
-ncell N number of cells per ring (default 8)
-npt N number of cells per type (default 8)
-branch N N range of branches per cell (default 10 20)
-compart N N range of compartments per branch (default [1,1])
-tstop float stop time (ms) (default 100.0)
-gran N global Random123 index (default 0)
-rparm randomize parameters
-secmapping store section segment mapping
-show show type topologies
-gap use gap junctions
-nt N nthread
-coredat path folder for bbcorewrite hashname folders (default coredat)
-coredathash append argument's hash as a sub-directory to coredat
In order to compare the performance of NEURON and CoreNEURON, we compiled both simulators using Intel compilers. Note that the ringtest is not ideal
for benchmarking due to low comutational complexity. Here are execution timings for running test on single core :
$ ./x86_64/special -python -tstop 10 -coredat coreneuron_data -nring 128 -ncell 128 -branch 32 64
runtime=174.74 load_balance=100.0% avg_comp_time=174.746
$ export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1
$ ./coreneuron_x86_cpu/bin/coreneuron_exec -e 10 -d coreneuron_data
Solver Time : 78.0866
$ ./coreneuron_x86_gpu/bin/coreneuron_exec -e 10 -d coreneuron_data --gpu --cell_permute=1
Solver Time : 22.7115
For above test the execution time is reduced from 174sec to 78sec for CPU and to 22.7sec for GPU. This speedup is still less than expected due to lower computational complexity of the model. (With the vectorization and efficient memory layout, we ideally expect about 4x speedup). Try with your model and if you see any performance issues, let us know.
NOTE : Apart from execution time speedup, major advantage of CoreNEURON is reduction in memory usage. Depending upon model, CoreNEURON could run simulation with 5-7x less memory than NEURON.