For simplicity, we first look at the continuum equations of motion for
The time derivative of the Hamiltonian is (assumed
The first and third terms cancel each other. In the continuum, the second term can be written as a divergence,
However, this is not guaranteed in the discretised version if we use the divergence type term ∇k(πT, kπT, j). Morinishi et al suggests we use a skew-symmetric form to take care of this:
Also, in the discretised version we expect the first and third terms to cancel each other if we use the central difference scheme throughout, i.e, for (∇jϕ∇2ϕ) term and also the kinetic term, (∇ϕ)2, in the Hamiltonian:
We note that the central difference scheme satisfies ∫d3x(∇ϕ)2 → − ∫d3x ϕ∇2ϕ in Hamiltonian:
If we discretize the spatial derivatives we get (leaving aside the projector and using the skew symmetric form of Morinishi et al for ∇k(πT, kπT, i)),
where ∇μcψ(x⃗) = (ψ(x⃗+μ̂)−ψ(x⃗−μ̂))/2. For the projector we use
with k̃μ = sin (kμ), and kμ = (2π/L)n̂k, μ. The time derivatives can be solved using Runge-Kutta methods.
Writing the evolution equations as,
the ‘third-order’ RK scheme gives,
where kμ, i are given by