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HPC thermalization
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joott committed May 20, 2022
1 parent c272a8e commit b5707de
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Showing 3 changed files with 113 additions and 401 deletions.
105 changes: 105 additions & 0 deletions modelB_thermalizer.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,105 @@

using Distributions
using Printf
using FFTW
using JLD2

Random.seed!(parse(Int, ARGS[1]))

const L = parse(Int, ARGS[2]) # must be a multiple of 4
const λ = 4.0e0
const Γ = 1.0e0
const T = 1.0e0

const Δt = 0.04e0/Γ
const Rate = Float64(sqrt(2.0*Δt*Γ))
ξ = Normal(0.0e0, 1.0e0)

function hotstart(n)
rand(ξ, n, n, n)

function ΔH(x, ϕ, q, m²)
@inbounds ϕold = ϕ[x[1], x[2], x[3]]
ϕt = ϕold + q
Δϕ = ϕt - ϕold
Δϕ² = ϕt^2 - ϕold^2

@inbounds ∑nn = ϕ[x[1]%L+1, x[2], x[3]] + ϕ[x[1], x[2]%L+1, x[3]] + ϕ[x[1], x[2], x[3]%L+1]
@inbounds ∑nn += ϕ[(x[1]+L-2)%L+1, x[2], x[3]] + ϕ[x[1], (x[2]+L-2)%L+1, x[3]] + ϕ[x[1], x[2], (x[3]+L-2)%L+1]

3Δϕ² - Δϕ * ∑nn + 0.5* Δϕ² + 0.25λ * (ϕt^4 - ϕold^4)

function step(m², ϕ, x1, x2)
q = Rate*rand(ξ)

@inbounds ϕ1 = ϕ[x1[1], x1[2], x1[3]]
@inbounds ϕ2 = ϕ[x2[1], x2[2], x2[3]]

δH = ΔH(x1, ϕ, q, m²) + ΔH(x2, ϕ, -q, m²) + q^2
P = min(1.0f0, exp(-δH))
r = rand(Float64)

if (r < P)
@inbounds ϕ[x1[1], x1[2], x1[3]] += q
@inbounds ϕ[x2[1], x2[2], x2[3]] -= q

function sweep(m², ϕ)
n=0 : (i,j,k)->(x,y,z)
n=1 : (i,j,k)->(y,z,x)
n=2 : (i,j,k)->(z,x,y)
pairs are in i direction
for n in 0:2, m in 1:4
Threads.@threads for k in 1:L
for i in 1:L÷4, j in 1:L
transition = [4(i-1)+2(j-1), j+k-2, k-1] # initial transition from indices to spatial coordinates with origin 0,0

# if a∈{1,2,3} chooses a direction in (x,y,z), idx[a] denotes the corresponding direction in (i,j,k)
# ex) idx[2]=3 means k -> y
idx = [(3-n)%3+1, (4-n)%3+1, (5-n)%3+1]

x1 = transition[idx] # get spatial coordinates in correct orientation according to n

# 4 values of m are for the 4 permutations of offset in the (i,j) directions
# m=1 2 3 4
x1[n+1] += m%2 # 1 0 1 0
x1[(n+1)%3+1] += m<3 # 1 1 0 0
x2 = copy(x1)
x2[n+1] += 1 # get +i neighbor

step(m², ϕ, x1.%L.+1, x2.%L.+1) # modulus to fit everything in lattice

function thermalize(m², ϕ, N=10000)
for i in 1:N
sweep(m², ϕ)

function op(ϕ, L)
ϕk = fft(ϕ)
average = ϕk[1,1,1]/L^3
(real(average), ϕk[:,1,1])

= -2.28587

ϕ = hotstart(L)
ϕ .= ϕ .- shuffle(ϕ)

maxt = L^2

for i in 1:maxt
thermalize(m², ϕ, 100^L^2)
@show i
jldsave("/share/tmschaef/jkott/tmp/modelB/thermalize_L_"*string(L)*"_id_"*ARGS[1]*".jld2", true; ϕ=ϕ)

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