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Running a development instance

Chris Dijkshoorn edited this page Jan 6, 2015 · 2 revisions

After the installation of the plugins and loading the project in the workspace you can do the following:

  • You can (from eclipse) debug and run a local webserver. Right click Accurator.jsp (in the war folder, select Debug as/Web Application.

  • If you want to use a local version of the annotation component (, you have to change the URLs in the Utility class (no fancy configuration yet).

  • The main class (the GWT EntryPoint) is

  • When you open the site in your browser it might ask you to install a Google browser plugin. Install that on.

If you wan't interaction with the Cliopatria backend you need to create a file containing the admin username and password. To do this copy the to in the src folder and add the credentials.

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