用于导出github特定仓库的所有issues,导出格式为date_title_state_issue number.html。最后会生成一个index.html文件用于索引。
这里使用了github的REST API v3,是有次数限制的,可自行申请client_id和client_secret以增大API调用次数。
Usage: export-github-issues [COMMANDS] [VARS]
-h, --help help messages
-o, --owner github owner of repesitory
-r, --repo github repesitory
-p, --per_page pagination, page size up to 100
-s, --state issues state (open, closed or all)
-ci, --client_id github OAuth application's client ID
-cs, --client_secret github OAuth application's client Secret
-a, --archive_images save images to local disk
github owner,如johnsonz
github 仓库名称,如export-github-issues
issues的状态,只允许是"all", "open"或"closed"
不填有API次数限制,"Settings"->"OAuth applications"中生成的Client ID
不填有API次数限制,"Settings"->"OAuth applications"中生成的Client Secret
A simple application to export all issues for specified repository. The exported file format looks like this: date_title_state_issue number.html. An index.html file which includes all issues will be generated after the application finishes its run.
For example:
export-github-issues -o johnsonz -r export-github-issues -p 80 -s open
Usage: export-github-issues [COMMANDS] [VARS]
-h, --help help messages
-o, --owner github owner of repesitory
-r, --repo github repesitory
-p, --per_page pagination, page size up to 100
-s, --state issues state (open, closed or all)
-ci, --client_id github OAuth application's client ID
-cs, --client_secret github OAuth application's client Secret
-a, --archive_images save images to local disk
github owner of repesitory, such as "johnsonz"
github repesitory, such as "export-github-issues"
the maximum number is 100
issues state("all", "open" or "closed)
there is API rate limit if empty. If you need a higher rate limit, please put in your OAuth application's client ID and secret.
there is API rate limit if empty. If you need a higher rate limit, please put in your OAuth application's client ID and secret.
save images to local disk.