Functions that help to work with dictionaries that include search strings (and wildcards) consisting of multiple words. Quanteda does not allow for such more complex multi-word dictionaries that for example include wildcards spanning multiple words. This package provides some functions to deal with such dictionaries. It is used with the populism dictionary in popdictR.
Functions from this package are used with the populism dictionary in my popdictR project.
The package worked for my particular use case. All functions are documented already. However, the package has not been tested extensively. Thus, I am glad for any feedback or issues. A new version (1.0) is planned for the end of March 2021. Some of the issues I plan on addressing:
- More thorough testing
- Better documentation
- Highlighting use cases for this package
This package requires my package regexhelpeR which should be installed before this package.
You can install everything from within R using devtools:
# Install the dependency regexhelpeR from GitHub
# Install the multidictR package from GitHub
Gründl, J. (2020). Populist ideas on social media: A dictionary-based measurement of populist communication. New Media & Society. Advance online publication.
Gründl, J. (2020). multidictR (R package).