一款考验心理战术的纸牌小游戏 A cards game that you use your tactics to win
游戏规则待写... Rules remain to be written ...
accessible: 询问是否能进房间 data: { accessible: true }
room_info: 询问进入房间后,我的id和大家的名字
data: {
id: 1,
others: [
name: "小明",
amount: 0,
game_begins: 游戏开始了,返回我的牌,和其他人的牌数
data: {
cards: ["A1", "A2"],
others: [
name: "小明",
amount: 13,
play_status: 我是不是可以出牌 data: { status: true }
play_result: 一次出牌的结果
data: {
message: "老狗出了2个A",
id: 1(出牌者的),
others: [
name: "小明",
amounts: 10,
info: 显示通知类信息 data: { message: "查无此人不许出牌!" }
enter_room: 进入房间 data: { name: "我的名字" }
ready: 准备好了 data: { id: 1 }
can_i_play: 我可不可以出牌 data { id: 1 }
play: 出牌 data: { id: 1, cards: ["A1"], statement: "1" }
challenge: 质疑 data: { id:1 }
pass: 过 data: { id:1 }