This project cas-oauth-demo has been created to test the OAuth support in CAS server version >= 4.0.0. It’s composed of two modules :
- the cas-oauth-client-demo module is a CAS server which uses the OAuth client mode : it acts as a client to delegate authentication to Facebook, Twitter… :
- the cas-oauth-server-demo module is a CAS server which uses the OAuth server mode : it plays the role of an OAuth server :
To start quickly, build the project :
cd cas-oauth-demo
mvn clean install
cd cas-oauth-client-demo
mvn jetty:run
To test,
- call the http://localhost:8080/cas url and click on “Authenticate with …” (at CAS server in OAuth client mode)
- authenticate at your favorite OAuth provider (Facebook, Twitter…) or at the OAuth wrapped CAS server (same password as login, url : http://localhost:8080/cas2)
- be redirected to the first CAS server, being successfully authenticated.
You can also deploy manually these two web applications in your favorite web applications server :
- cas-oauth-client-demo on http://localhost:8080/cas
- cas-oauth-server-demo on http://localhost:8080/cas2