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to solve one of the predefined puzzles. The puzzle will be solved and images of each iteration will be saved. Enjoy.
Projections onto convex sets (POCS) is a useful method for finding the intersection between convex sets. A simple example is shown below, where we have two convex constraint sets (red) and (blue). The intersection is found by simply projecting onto each set consecutively via the iterated map:
where are the projections onto their respective sets. Projections are idempotent and are distance minimizing;
The solution is found when
. The convexivity of the constraints sets allows lots of general conclusions to be drawn, even if there is little knowledge about the individual sets. Unfortunately, when the constraint sets are non-convex, very few general results hold. Consequently, rather than finding the global solution, using simple alternating projections can result in stagnation at local minima. An example of this is shown below, where the sets from the previous example are made to be non-convex, and the ability to find the intersection (global minima) is now highly dependent on the initial guess.Despite the loss of guarantees when the sets are no longer convex, projection methods can prove very useful and powerful for finding solutions to non-convex optimization problems. Examples include Sudoku, the n-queens problem , graph-coloring and phase retrieval.
As I will discuss in the next section, to get projection methods to work with non-convex problems, the simple alternating projection algorithm needs to be modified.
One of the most successful non-convex projection algorithms is the difference map (DM). It is written as
where , where and are called estimates. Once a fixed point has been reached,and this implies the two estimates are equal with a solution;
Rather than the form outlined above, a simpler version of the difference map is often used and is given by;
. This simpler version generally performs well and reduces the number of projections required per iteration.The same non-convex problem is shown below but now using the DM algorithm. Rather than getting trapped in the local minima, the algorithm is able to escape, search more of solution space, and finally converge onto a solution.
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