The future of "ed_macro"
ed_macro's git repository webpage:
ed_macro is written in the Euphoria Programming Language.
Euphoria's website:
Make a Euphoria v3.1.1 version of ed_macro.ex for DOS and early Windows. Make a separate 64-bit version as well.
- DOS32, Win32, and Win64 work with limited support for some features.
Make a Web version of ed_macro for Chrome like modern browsers. Record touch and mouse clicks and keyboard and button clicks.
Try to limit its functionality so that it won't become a killer app.
- Record one macro.
- Hexadecimal display.
- Open binary files.
- Large file support.
- Memory doubly linked lists.
- Record more than one macro.
- DOS32 version. Mouse support?
- Name macros.
- Save macros.
- Play macro while recording another macro.
- Save session data.
- Use a database (Euphoria edb or eds)
- 64-bit version.
- Allow operating system commands.
- Use control keys, or not, for international keyboards.
- Scroll up and down.
- Play macro "N" number of times.
- Play macro until it reaches the end of the file, or top of file, then it stops, or plays a maximum number of times.
- Multiple line edit mode.
- Refractoring and edit all times a search term occurs.
- Regular expressions, support for search and replace.
- Eventually, make a modern Web version in JavaScript, a DOS32 version, a Win32 version, and a 64-bit version.