This is a simple .Net core application for perform CRUD operations for a employee registration form.
Features Included
- .Net Core Web Api for CRUD operation
- ASP.Net MVC Core application to For UI
- EF Core for DB operations
- Generic Repository to handle all the CRUD operations
- Exception Handling
- Swagger specification included to Web API
Featues not included due to time and Resources constrains
- CQRS Design Pattern - I already implemented this concept in my project. Need to create 2 database for read an write operation. Need to create 2 different dbcontext. The database sync up need to handle by code or Db replication with a time duration. By code we can summamarise the files and create a new tables for reporting purpose. With the fixed time slot we can push the records from transactional db to Reporting DB.
- Common Exception handling
- Azure hosting
Azure setup
- Create Web Apps in the Azure
- Create a database in the Azure
- Change the connection string in the web api application settings
- Run the Update-Database command from web api application from VS editor
- Publish the Web API and MVC application as two different application in to the web apps
Normal Setup
- Change the connection string in the web api application settings
- Run the Update-Database command from web api application from VS editor