PulseDB is a database-mapping software library written in Java, it provides a transparent access and manipulation to a great variety of database implementations. PDB provides a DSL that covers most of SQL functionalities and allows to easily integrate persistence into your projects and modules.
Add the following dependency to your Maven pom.
- It is now possible to call built-in database vendor functions [e.g. f("lower", column("COL1"))]
- Added lower and upper functions
- Fixed several connection leaks
- Fixed MySQL large result fetching
In order to compile PDB you will need to have the Oracle Driver JAR in your local repository.
The current version assumes Oracle Driver version (even when compiled with this version
it is possible to use version 11 drivers in runtime; it is also possible to compile with
version 11 instead, but the oracle pom dependency has to be modified).
Please download the driver from the respective
Oracle driver page and
run the following to install the driver in your local maven repository.
mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=com.oracle.jdbc -DartifactId=ojdbc8 \
-Dversion= -Dpackaging=jar -Dfile=ojdbc8.jar
Alternatively you can setup the username/password for accessing Oracle's Maven repository in your settings.xml file.
To test PDB with different database engines there are several Maven profiles that can be used, one for each vendor (check list of supported vendors below, under Establishing connection).
Run the following to run the tests for the chosen vendor specified in lowercase:
mvn test -P<vendor>
NOTE: there is also a "special" profile for H2 to test that engine in server mode (instead of the default H2 embedded);
for that case the profile h2remote
is used in the <vendor>
This will start a docker container running the chosen vendor's database server, and run the tests. The container will be stopped at the end if all tests pass, otherwise will be kept running.
Note: the containers will be started assuming the respective vendor's license agreements have been read and accepted.
More info:
Microsoft SQL Server: https://hub.docker.com/r/microsoft/mssql-server-linux/
IBM DB2: https://hub.docker.com/r/ibmcom/db2express-c/
- Example Description
- Establishing connection
- Table Manipulation
- Data Manipulation
- Create View
We describe a scenario where there are some data Providers that share Streams of data with the world. These Streams have a data Type, and they are consumed by some Modules. The entities and its relations are modeled into SQL using PDB in the following sections.
With PDB you connect to the database of your preference using the following code.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.configuration.PdbProperties.*;
Properties properties = new Properties() {
setProperty(USERNAME, "username");
setProperty(PASSWORD, "password");
setProperty(ENGINE, "<PDB-ENGINE>");
setProperty(SCHEMA_POLICY, "create");
DatabaseEngine engine = DatabaseFactory.getConnection(properties);
The following table shows how to connect for the supported database vendors.
Vendor | Engine | JDBC |
DB2 | com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.impl.DB2Engine | jdbc:db2://<HOST>:<PORT>/<DATABASE> |
Oracle | com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.impl.OracleEngine | jdbc:oracle:thin:@<HOST>:1521:<DATABASE> |
PostgreSQL | com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.impl.PostgreSqlEngine | jdbc:postgresql://<HOST>/<DATABASE> |
MySQL | com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.impl.MySqlEngine | jdbc:mysql://<HOST>/<DATABASE> |
H2 | com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.impl.H2Engine | jdbc:h2:<FILE> | jdbc:h2:mem |
SQLServer | com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.engine.impl.SqlServerEngine | jdbc:sqlserver://<HOST>;database=<DATABASE> |
It is also important to select a schema policy. There are four possible schema policies:
- create - New entities are created normally.
- create-drop - Same as create policy but before the connection is closed all entries created during this session will be dropped.
- drop-create - New entities are dropped before creation if they already exist.
- none - The program is not allowed to create new entities.
We start by creating the table to store the different data Types:
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
DbEntity data_type_table =
.addColumn("id", INT, UNIQUE, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("code", STRING, UNIQUE, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("description", CLOB)
A table is represented with a DbEntity and its properties can be defined with methods:
Function | Description |
[name] | Select the name for this table. |
[addColumn] | Create a column with a given name and type. Additionally you can had autoincrement behaviour and define some extra constraints. There are two possible constraints available: UNIQUE and NOT_NULL. |
[pkFields] | Define which columns are part of the primary key. |
[name]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbEntity.Builder.html#name(java.lang.String) | |
[addColumn]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbEntity.Builder.html#pkFields(java.util.Collection) | |
[pkFields]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbEntity.Builder.html#pkFields(java.util.Collection) |
To create the data_type_table you call addEntity method on the previously created database engine. Depending on the policy you chose existing tables might be dropped before creation.
Let's now create the Providers and Streams tables:
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
DbEntity provider_table =
.addColumn("id", INT, true, UNIQUE, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("uri", STRING, UNIQUE, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("certified", BOOLEAN, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("description", CLOB)
DbEntity stream_table =
.addColumn("id", INT, true, UNIQUE, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("provider_id", INT, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("data_type_id", INT, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("description", CLOB)
.addIndex(false, "provider_id", "data_type_id")
You may have noticed that this stream_table has some foreign keys, which we define using the addFK method. This method receives a list of the foreign keys constraints. A foreign key is created with dbFk(), and it is defined using these methods:
Function | Description |
[addColumn] | Define which columns will be part of this constraint. |
[foreignTable] | Define the foreign table we are referring to. |
[addForeignColumn] | Selects the affected columns in the foreign table. |
[addColumn]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbFk.Builder.html#addColumn(java.lang.String...) | |
[foreignTable]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbFk.Builder.html#foreignTable(java.lang.String) | |
[addForeignColumn]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbFk.Builder.html#addColumn(java.lang.String...) |
Wait! Looks like we also created an index in the Stream table.
Function | Description |
[addIndex] | Creates and index for the listed columns. If not specified, an index is not unique. |
[addIndex]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbEntity.Builder.html#addIndex(boolean,%20java.lang.String...) |
The rest of the example case is created with the following code:
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
DbEntity module_table =
.addColumn("name", STRING, UNIQUE, NOT_NULL)
DbEntity stream_to_module_table =
.addColumn("name", STRING, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("stream_id", INT, NOT_NULL)
.addColumn("active", INT)
.pkFields("name", "stream_id")
When you are done with this example you might want to clean the database.
Function | Description |
[dropEntity] | Drops an entity given the name. |
[dropEntity]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/AbstractDatabaseEngine.html#dropEntity(java.lang.String) |
With PDB you can change some aspects of a previously created tables. After calling the the addEntity method with the created entity you can continue to modify this local representation by calling the methods described in the previous sections. Then to synchronize the local representation with the actual table in the database you call the updateEntity method.
data_type_table = data_type_table
Function | Description |
[removeColumn] | Removes a column from the local representation of the table. |
[updateEntity] | Synchronizes the entity representation with the table in the database. If schema policy is set to drop-create the whole table is dropped and created again. |
[removeColumn]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/ddl/DbEntity.Builder.html#removeColumn(java.lang.String) | |
[updateEntity]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/AbstractDatabaseEngine.html#updateEntity(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.ddl.DbEntity) |
Another mechanism to alter table is by using the AlterColumn expression creation and the executeUpdate method provided by the database engine. In this case changes are made to each column, one at a time.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
Expression alterColumn = alterColumn(
dbColumn("active", BOOLEAN).addConstraint(NOT_NULL).build());
It is also possible to remove the the primary key constraint.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
Expression dropPrimaryKey = dropPK(table("TEST"));
Function | Description |
[dropPK] | Drops the primary key constraint on the given table. |
[dropPK]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/dialect/SqlBuilder.html#dropPK(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) |
Now that we have the structure of the database in place, let's play it with some data. An EntityEntry it's our representation of an entry that we want to add to the database.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
EntityEntry data_type_entry =
.set("id", 1)
.set("code", "INT16")
.set("description", "The type of INT you always want!")
Function | Description |
[set] | Define the value that will be assigned to a given column. |
[set]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/entry/EntityEntry.Builder.html#set(java.lang.String,%20java.lang.Object) |
Notice that the values for each column were defined using the set method. A new entry for the database is persisted with engine's method persist.
engine.persist("data_type", data_type_entry, false);
Function | Description |
[persist] | Select the table in which the new entity will be inserted. If the affected table has an autoincrement column you might want to activate this flag. In case that the autoincrement behaviour is active, this method returns the generated key. |
[persist]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/AbstractDatabaseEngine.html#persist(java.lang.String,%20com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.entry.EntityEntry) |
If you want to use the autoincrement behavior you must activate the autoincrement flag when defining the entity.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
EntityEntry provider_entry =
.set("uri", "from.some.where")
.set("certified", true)
long generatedKey = engine.persist("provider", provider_entry, true);
PDB also provides support for batches. With batches you reduce the amount of communication overhead, thereby improving performance.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
try {
EntityEntry entry = entry()
.set("code", "SINT")
.set("description", "A special kind of INT")
engine.addBatch("data_type", entry);
entry = entry()
.set("code", "VARBOOLEAN")
.set("description", "A boolean with a variable number of truth values")
engine.addBatch("data_type", entry);
// Perform more additions...
} finally {
if (engine.isTransactionActive()) {
Now you might want to the update data or simply erase them. Let's see how this can be done.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
eq(column("cd"), k("Double")),
eq(column("description", k("Double precision floating point number")))
.where(eq(column(id), k(1))));
Expressions that produce changes to the database are executed with engine's executeUpdate method. There are some defined static methods that allow you to create SQL queries. Update is one of them. In this section we describe queries that make changes to the database, while in the following section selection queries will be present in detail.
Function | Description |
[update] | Creates an update query that will affect the table referred by the given expression. |
[set] | Expression that defines the values that will be assigned to each given column. |
[where] | Expression for filtering/selecting the affected entries. |
[table] | Creates a reference to a table of your choice. |
[update]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/dialect/SqlBuilder.html#update(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) | |
[set]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Update.html#set(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression...) | |
[where]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Update.html#where(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) | |
[table]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/dialect/SqlBuilder.html#table(java.lang.String) |
Maybe you want to delete entries instead. In that case creating a delete query is required.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
.where(eq(column(id), k(1))));
Function | Description |
[delete] | Creates a delete query that will affect the table referred by the given expression. |
[where] | Expression for filtering/selecting the affected entries. |
[delete]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/dialect/SqlBuilder.html#delete(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) | |
[where]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Delete.html#where(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) |
If what you seek is to delete all table entries at once, it is recommended to use the truncate query.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
Function | Description |
[truncate] | Creates a truncate query that will affect the table referred by the given expression. |
[truncate]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/dialect/SqlBuilder.html#truncate(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) |
Now things will get interesting. In this section we will see how PDB uses SQL to select data from the database. Using the query method we get the result for any given query as a list of entries. These entries are represented as a map of column name to content.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
Expression query =
// Fetches everything! Use with care when you know the result set is small.
List<Map<String, ResultColumn>> results = engine.query(query);
for(Map<String, ResultColumn> result : results) {
Int id = result.get("id").toInt();
String description = result.get("description").toString();
System.out.println(id + ": "+ description);
// If your result set is large consider using the iterator.
ResultIterator it = engine.iterator(select(all()).from(table("streams")));
Map<String, ResultColumn> next;
while ((next = it.next()) != null) {
Int id = next.get("id").toInt();
String description = next.get("description").toString();
System.out.println(id + ": "+ description);
The iterator closes automatically when it reaches the end of the result set, but you can close it on any time by calling it.close().
Function | Description |
[query] | Processes a given query and computes the corresponding result. It returns a List of results if any. For each column a result is a Map that maps |
column names to ResultColumn objects. | |
[iterator] | Returns an iterator to cycle through the result set. Preferable when dealing with large result sets. |
[toXXX] | ResultColumn provides methods to convert the data to the type of your preference. It throws an exception if you try to convert the underlying data to some incompatible type. |
[query]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/AbstractDatabaseEngine.html#query(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) | |
[iterator]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/engine/AbstractDatabaseEngine.html#iterator(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) | |
[toXXX]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/result/ResultColumn.html |
Let's see this simple query in more detail. Where we list all entries in table Streams and return all columns.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
This is useful but not very interesting. We should proceed by filtering the results with some condition of our choice.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
.where(eq(column("data_type_id"), k(4)))
.andWhere(like(column("description"), k("match t%xt"))));
A more complex filter would be one that select Streams from a given range of data Types and a set of Providers. And we manage just that with the following query.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
and(between(column("data_type_id"), k(2), k(5)),
notIn(column("provider_id"), L(k(1), k(7), k(42))))));
It is widely known that greater the id greater the Stream of data. For this purpose you just design a query that selects the maximum Stream id of data Type 4 from Provider 1. You might just get a raise for this.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
and(eq(column("data_type_id"), k(4)),
eq(column("provider_id"), k(1)))));
Sometimes it is required to merge the content of more than one table. For that purpose you can use joins. They allow you to merge content of two or more table regrading some condition. In this example we provide a little bit more flavor to the result by adding the data Type information to the Stream information.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
column("stream", "data_type_id"),
column("data_type", "id")))));
The market is collapsing! The reason, some say, is that some provider messed up. In your contract it is stated that Provider with id 4 provides a given number of streams for each data_type. With the following query you will find out if the actual data in the database matches the contract. By filtering the results to only account for Provider 4 and grouping on the data Type you are able to count the number of streams by Type. Your Boss will be pleased.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
select(column("data_type_id"), count(column("id")).alias("count"))
.where(eq(column("provider_id"), k(4)))
Function | Description |
[groupby] | Groups the result on some of the table columns. |
[orderby] | Orders the result according to some expression of the table columns. |
[asc] | Sets the ordering as ascendant. |
[desc] | Sets the ordering as descendant. |
[groupby]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Query.html#groupby(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression...) | |
[orderby]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Query.html#orderby(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression...) | |
[asc]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Expression.html#asc() | |
[desc]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Expression.html#desc() |
Some documents leaked online last week suggest that there are some hidden message in our data. To visualize this hidden message we need to do some arithmetic's with the ids of the provider and data_type on table Streams. Even more strange is the need to filter the description column, where in case of a null value an alternative is presented.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
k("Romeo must die")))
For this next example, imagine you want to select all Streams for which the sum of data_type_id and provider_id is greater than 5. It might not be a very useful query, but when you had that you just want 10 rows of the result with and offset of 2, people might wonder what you are up to.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
results = engine.query(
Function | Description |
[having] | Query will select only the result rows where aggregate values meet the specified conditions. |
[limit] | Defines the number of rows that the query returns. |
[offset] | Defines the offset for the start position of the resulting rows. |
[having]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Query.html#having(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) | |
[limit]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Query.html#limit(java.lang.Integer) | |
[offset]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/Query.html#offset(java.lang.Integer) |
PDB also allows the creation of prepared statements. Here you have two of the previous example queries done using prepared statements
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
Query query = select(all())
.where(eq(column("data_type_id"), lit("?")))
.andWhere(like(column("description"), k("match t%xt")));
engine.createPreparedStatement("MyPS", query);
// It is always a good policy to clear the parameters
engine.setParameter("MyPS", 1, 10);
List<Map<String, ResultColumn>> result = engine.getPSResultSet("MyPS");
In PDB prepared statements are stored internally and they are maintained if the connection is lost, but the parameters are always lost.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
Update update = update(table("stream"))
eq(column("cd"), lit("?")),
eq(column("description", lit("?")))
.where(eq(column(id), k(1))));
engine.createPreparedStatement("MyPS", query);
engine.setParameter("MyPS", 1, "INT");
engine.setParameter("MyPS", 2, "Your regular integer implementation.");
int affectedEntries = engine.executePSUpdate("MyPS");
Sometimes, for security reasons or just for simplicity, it is useful to have a view of the database.
import static com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.dialect.SqlBuilder.*;
Expression view = createView("simple_stream")
.as(select(column("id"), column("data_type_id"))
Function | Description |
[createView] | Creates a view with the given name. |
[as] | Defines the query that provides the data for this view. |
[replace] | Whether or not the view creation is authorized to overwrite over existing views. |
[createView]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/dialect/SqlBuilder.html#createView(java.lang.String) | |
[as]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/View.html#as(com.feedzai.commons.sql.abstraction.dml.Expression) | |
[replace]:http://feedzai.github.io/pdb/com/feedzai/commons/sql/abstraction/dml/View.html#replace() |
For more insight on the available functionality please see projects javadoc.
For more information please contact [email protected], we will happily answer your questions.
- Miguel Miranda ([email protected]) for the documentation and first steps on making this library opensource
Copyright 2014 Feedzai
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.