This project was created for the Don't Panic! Hackathon by Jessica Mattick. Jessica is a masters student in the computer science department at Loyola University Chicago graduating this spring.
The goal of this project is to combine data visualization and game development. Game levels are generated from real-time daily COVID-19 data. Players can traverse a track and encounter game objects that represent the fraction of new covid cases on each day in the dataset over the maximum new cases for selected U.S. states. Data is sourced from the CDC COVID-19 Data Tracker API.
- Desktop / WebGL
- Unity 2019.4.12f1
- C#
- JavaScript
COVID-19 Data from CDC:
Unity Assets:
Accessing API data within Unity C# scripts
While Unity has built-in C# web request methods, accessing cross-domain resources in WebGL builds has restrictions. To solve this challenge, the data was fetched from the api using Javascript. A diagram of the solution is shown below.
To preserve data throughout the entire game, a Game Manager object was created using a Singleton design pattern. A single instance of this object is created during the initial scene of the game and is not destroyed at any point in the game. The game manager stores the json string covid data from the api.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
public class GameManager : MonoBehaviour
// store instance of game manager
private static GameManager _instance;
// string to hold covid json string from api
private string covidData;
// initialize Javascript method if run in WebGL build
private static extern void RequestUnityJS(string query);
// game manager getter
public static GameManager Instance
// create instance of game manager if does not exist
if(_instance == null)
GameObject instance = new GameObject("Game Manager");
return _instance;
// method called on awake
private void Awake()
_instance = this;
covidData = "[]"; // set inital value for data
RequestJS("IL"); // initially request data from Illinois
// method to set jsondata to be called from Javascript
public void SetJsonData(string jsonString)
covidData = jsonString;
public string GetJsonData()
return covidData;
// unity method to call Javascript method (query is US state string)
public void RequestJS(string query)
// if run in WebGL build call JS plugin method
The game manager will call the RequestUnityJS() method in a javascript plugin within the unity project whenever new data is needed in the game. RequestUnityJS() will call the javascript function getCovidData() found in a script tag in index.html.
var covidlib = {
RequestUnityJS: function(query){
autoAddDeps(covidlib, '$dependencies');
Finally, the getCovidData() method will fetch data from the CDC API and call the SetJsonData() C# method in the Game Manager with the json string as a parameter.
var unityInstance = UnityLoader.instantiate("unityContainer", "Build/Builds.json", {onProgress: UnityProgress});
// method to fetch api
var getCovidData = function(st) {
var base_url = "";
.then(res => res.json())
.then((out) => {
// call SetJsonData in Game Manager
unityInstance.SendMessage('Game Manager', 'SetJsonData', JSON.stringify(out));
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
Creating Game Levels from JSON data
The next milestone was to convert the json string received from the api into a usable format for building levels. To do this, an API Handling C# script was created to get the data into the game. Unity's JsonUtility.FromJson utility will return an object from its json representation. However, the data that comes from the api is a json array, so a custom class representing the covid data as an object was created. Each daily datapoint can be represented as a DataPoint object that stores information about the date, the U.S. state, and the new cases on the date.
// class to hold data about daily new cases
public class DataPoint
public string submission_date;
public string state;
public float new_case;
Next, the DataList object was created to store all of the data points in the dataset. For the purpose of the game, it is useful to sort the data points by submission date. The SortByDate() method strips any excess data from the submission_date string to sort the dataset in ascending order.
// class to hold list of DataPoint objects
public class DataList
public List<DataPoint> items;
// method to sort items by submission date
public void SortByDate()
// sort items
items.Sort((a, b) => {
// extract numerical date
string date_a = a.submission_date.Substring(0, 10).Replace("-","");
string date_b = b.submission_date.Substring(0, 10).Replace("-", "");
// compare dates
if (date_a.CompareTo(date_b)>0)
return 1;
} else
return -1;
In order to provide a working game in the case the api fails to provide data, a backup json datafile is included in the project. The GetAPIData() function will try to convert the provided json string into an object and will default to the json file in the case of an ArgumentException.
// method to get data from API
public DataList GetAPIData(string jsonString)
// initalize fianl json string compatible with DataList Class
string jsonResponse;
DataList res;
// if no external data
if (jsonString == "[]")
res = LoadBackupData();
// use provided json string
jsonResponse = "{\"items\":" + jsonString + "}";
// convert json response to DataList object
res = JsonUtility.FromJson<DataList>(jsonResponse);
catch (System.ArgumentException ex)
res = LoadBackupData();
return res;
// method loads data from backup json file
public DataList LoadBackupData()
// load backup data from json file
string jsonResponse = "{\"items\":" + jsonFile.text + "}";
// convert json response to DataList object
DataList res = JsonUtility.FromJson<DataList>(jsonResponse);
return res;
The DataList object created can then be used to generate game levels. A basic level containing a track, a player, and a starting and ending point was created in the Unity editor. A script was created to calculate the distance between the start and end point and evenly disperse the datapoints between them. At each datapoint, the track is labeled with the date and contains a number of objects that represent the fraction of new covid cases on that date. The player is able to move along the track to view the data and can interact with the objects at each datapoint.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using TMPro;
// This script will add markers on the game track at equal intervals
public class MarkDays : MonoBehaviour
// track marker prefab
public Transform marker;
// parent object of markers
public Transform parent;
// starting point object
public Transform start;
// ending point object
public Transform end;
// state marker object
public TextMeshPro stateMarker;
// enemy prefab
public Transform enemy;
// maximum number of objects per data point
public float maxObjects = 10f;
// string to hold api json data
public string jsonData = "";
// z offset betwen data points
private float offset;
// object to hold daily covid cases
private HandleAPIs.DataList data;
// list of datapoint labels
private List<string> markerLabels;
// max number of cases to calculate fraction of cases per day
private float max_cases = 0f;
// total number of days in dataset
private int num_days;
// Start is called before the first frame update
void Start()
// get data
jsonData = GameManager.Instance.GetJsonData();
// get COVID data from API
data = GetComponent<HandleAPIs>().GetAPIData(jsonData);
// sort data by submission date
// count number of days in dataset
num_days = data.items.Count;
// change state marker text
stateMarker.text = data.items[0].state;
// initialize list to hold markers or dates to be used on track
markerLabels = new List<string>();
// loop through each item in dataset to format marker labels and find max value
for (int i = 1; i < num_days; i++)
// set max_cases if new_cases is larger than currrent max
if (data.items[i].new_case > max_cases)
max_cases = data.items[i].new_case;
// add formatted label to markerLabels
// length of track
float gameLength = end.transform.position.z - start.transform.position.z;
// calculate offset based on distance between start and end points
offset = gameLength / (markerLabels.Count + 1);
// loop through labels in list and create label on track
for (int i = 0; i < markerLabels.Count; i++)
// newPos holds position of next marker label
Vector3 newPos = start.transform.position + new Vector3(0f, 0f, offset * (i + 1));
// enemyPosition holds position of next enemy
Vector3 enemyPos = newPos + new Vector3(0f, 10f, 4f);
// multiple the fraction of new cases over max cases and multipy by max objects allowed
float maxNumItems = data.items[i].new_case / max_cases * maxObjects;
// initalize marker clone
Transform clone;
// instatiate marker at next position
clone = (Transform)Instantiate(marker, newPos, Quaternion.identity, parent);
// update marker text
clone.GetComponentInChildren<TextMeshPro>().text = markerLabels[i];
// intantiate enemys at next enemy position
for (int j = 0; j < maxNumItems; j++)
enemyPos += new Vector3(0f, 1f, 0f);
Instantiate(enemy, enemyPos, Quaternion.identity);
Game UI
Since the levels are created based on state data, a basic main menu was created containing a play button and a dropdown of all the states. The api is called every time the state dropdown value is changed to make sure that the data in the main game scene matches the menu.
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.SceneManagement;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using TMPro;
public class MainMenu : MonoBehaviour
// state dropdown
public TMP_Dropdown stateDropdown;
// list of states in data
readonly List<string> usStates = new List<string>() { "AL", "AR", "AS", "AZ", "CA", "CO", "CT", "DE", "FL", "GA", "IA", "ID", "IL", "IN", "KY", "LA", "MA", "MD", "MI", "MN", "MS", "ND", "NE", "NM", "NV", "NY", "NYC", "OH", "OK", "PA", "PR", "RMI", "SC", "TN", "TX", "VA", "WA", "WI", "WV", "WY" };
public void Awake()
public void Start()
// clear any input in dropdown
// loop through states and add options
foreach (string st in usStates)
stateDropdown.options.Add(new TMP_Dropdown.OptionData() { text = st });
stateDropdown.value = 12;
public void PlayGame()
if (SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex == 2)
} else
SceneManager.LoadScene(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().buildIndex + 1);
public void UpdateState()