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Isoparametric cut-cell meshes #89

wants to merge 13 commits into from
230 changes: 230 additions & 0 deletions plot_isoparametric_cut_mesh.jl
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@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
using NodesAndModes: face_basis
using Plots
using StartUpDG

N = 4
rd = RefElemData(Quad(), N, quad_rule_face = gauss_quad(0, 0, 2 * N))

cells_per_dimension = 2
circle = PresetGeometries.Circle(R=0.66, x0=0, y0=0)
md = MeshData(rd, (circle, ), cells_per_dimension; precompute_operators=true)

mt = md.mesh_type
(; cutcells) = mt.cut_cell_data

using Triangulate, StaticArrays
function triangulate_points(coordinates::AbstractMatrix)
triin.pointlist = coordinates
triout, _ = triangulate("Q", triin)
VX, VY = (triout.pointlist[i,:] for i = 1:size(triout.pointlist,1))
EToV = permutedims(triout.trianglelist)
return (VX, VY), EToV

N_phys_frame_geo = max(2 * rd.N, (rd.N-1) * (rd.N + 2)) # (N-1) * (N + 2)

rd_line = RefElemData(Line(), N=rd.N, quad_rule_vol = gauss_quad(0, 0, N))

rd_tri = RefElemData(Tri(), N=rd.N, quad_rule_vol=NodesAndModes.quad_nodes_tri(N_phys_frame_geo))
fv = NodesAndModes.face_vertices(Tri())
tri_face_coords = (rd_tri.r[vec(rd_tri.Fmask)], rd_tri.s[vec(rd_tri.Fmask)])

# preallocate face interp node arrays
r1D = rd_line.r
tri_face_coords_x = zeros(length(r1D), 3)
tri_face_coords_y = zeros(length(r1D), 3)

# this operator performs a least squares fit, and is equivalent to isoparametric warp and blend
warp_face_points_to_interp =
face_basis(Tri(), rd_tri.N, rd_tri.rst...) / face_basis(Tri(), rd_tri.N, tri_face_coords...)

using StartUpDG: map_to_interval

function compute_geometric_determinant_J(x, y, Dr, Ds)
xr, xs = Dr * x, Ds * x
yr, ys = Dr * y, Ds * y
J = @. -xs * yr + xr * ys
return J

x_cutcells, y_cutcells, xq_cutcells, yq_cutcells, Jq_cutcells, wJq_cutcells =
ntuple(_ -> Matrix{eltype(rd_tri.wq)}[], 6)

for cutcell in cutcells
# create subtriangulation. note that `cutcell.stop_pts[end] == cutcell.stop_pts[1]`
vxy = zeros(2, length(cutcell.stop_pts[1:end-1]))
for (i, pt) in enumerate(cutcell.stop_pts[1:end-1])
vxy[1, i], vxy[2, i] = cutcell(pt)
(VX, VY), EToV = triangulate_points(vxy)

xq, yq, Jq, wJq = ntuple(_ -> zeros(length(rd_tri.wq), size(EToV, 1)), 6)

# loop over each triangle, map 1D interpolation points to faces
for e in axes(EToV, 1)
ids = view(EToV, e, :)
for (face_index, face_vertices) in enumerate(SVector{2}.(fv))
vertices_on_face = sort(ids[face_vertices])

# map each point to a physical element.
for i in eachindex(r1D)
# This assumes a PathIntersections.jl ordering of curve points.
# If the vertex indices are far apart, it's the last face/boundary curve
if (x->abs(x[2]-x[1]))(vertices_on_face) == length(VX) - 1
s = map_to_interval(r1D[i], cutcell.stop_pts[end-1:end]...)
point = cutcell(s)

# if vertex indices are consecutive, it's a boundary face
elseif (x->x[2]-x[1])(vertices_on_face) == 1

curve_id = minimum(ids[face_vertices])
s = map_to_interval(r1D[i], cutcell.stop_pts[curve_id:curve_id+1]...)
point = cutcell(s)

else # it's an internal face
point = SVector{2}.(map_to_interval(r1D[i], VX[ids[face_vertices]]...),
map_to_interval(r1D[i], VY[ids[face_vertices]]...))
tri_face_coords_x[i, face_index] = point[1]
tri_face_coords_y[i, face_index] = point[2]

# this performs a least squares fit interpolation in the face basis, but is equivalent
# to isoparametric warp and blend if the face node locations are continuous.
tri_warped_coords_x = warp_face_points_to_interp * vec(tri_face_coords_x)
tri_warped_coords_y = warp_face_points_to_interp * vec(tri_face_coords_y)

Jq_e = abs.(compute_geometric_determinant_J(tri_warped_coords_x, tri_warped_coords_y,
rd_tri.Vq * rd_tri.Dr, rd_tri.Vq * rd_tri.Ds))

view(xq, :, e) .= rd_tri.Vq * tri_warped_coords_x
view(yq, :, e) .= rd_tri.Vq * tri_warped_coords_y
view(Jq, :, e) .= Jq_e
@. wJq[:,e] = rd_tri.wq * Jq_e
push!(xq_cutcells, xq)
push!(yq_cutcells, yq)
push!(Jq_cutcells, Jq)
push!(wJq_cutcells, wJq)

# Caratheodory pruning
function basic_removal(V, w_in)

if length(w_in) <= size(V, 2)
return w_in, eachindex(w_in)
w = copy(w_in)
M, N = size(V)
inds = collect(1:M)
m = M-N
Q, _ = qr(V)
Q = copy(Q)
for _ in 1:m
kvec = Q[:,end]

# for subtracting the kernel vector
idp = findall(@. kvec > 0)
alphap, k0p = findmin(w[inds[idp]] ./ kvec[idp])
k0p = idp[k0p]

# for adding the kernel vector
idn = findall(@. kvec < 0);
alphan, k0n = findmax(w[inds[idn]] ./ kvec[idn])
k0n = idn[k0n];

alpha, k0 = abs(alphan) < abs(alphap) ? (alphan, k0n) : (alphap, k0p)
w[inds] = w[inds] - alpha * kvec
deleteat!(inds, k0)
Q, _ = qr(V[inds, :])
Q = copy(Q)
return w, inds

xq_pruned, yq_pruned, wJq_pruned = ntuple(_ -> Vector{Float64}[], 3)
for e in eachindex(xq_cutcells)
V2N = vandermonde(mt.physical_frame_elements[e], 2 * rd.N, vec(xq_cutcells[e]), vec(yq_cutcells[e]))
w = copy(vec(wJq_cutcells[e]))
w_pruned, inds = basic_removal(V2N, w)

V = vandermonde(mt.physical_frame_elements[e], rd.N, vec(xq_cutcells[e]), vec(yq_cutcells[e]))
# @show size(V[inds,:])
# @show length(w), length(inds)
@show norm(V' * diagm(w) * V - V' * diagm(w_pruned) * V)

push!(yq_pruned, vec(yq_cutcells[e])[inds])
push!(xq_pruned, vec(xq_cutcells[e])[inds])
push!(wJq_pruned, vec(wJq_cutcells[e])[inds])

for e in eachindex(xq_cutcells, yq_cutcells)
scatter!(vec(xq_cutcells[e]), vec(yq_cutcells[e]), label="Reference quadrature");
scatter!(xq_pruned[e], yq_pruned[e], markersize=8, marker=:circle,
z_order=:back, label="Caratheodory pruning", leg=false)

e = 1
path = md.mesh_type.cut_cell_data.cutcells[e]
xy = path.(LinRange(0,1,2000))
plot(getindex.(xy, 1),getindex.(xy, 2), linewidth=2, color=:black, label="")

scatter!(vec(xq_cutcells[e]), vec(yq_cutcells[e]), label="Reference quadrature");
scatter!(xq_pruned[e], yq_pruned[e], markersize=8, marker=:circle,
z_order=:back, label="Caratheodory pruning", axis=([], false), ratio=1)

# # compute normals
# cutcell = cutcells[1]
# plot()
# xf, yf, nxJ, nyJ = ntuple(_ -> zeros(size(rd_line.Vq, 1), length(cutcell.stop_pts)-1), 4)
# for f in 1:length(cutcell.stop_pts)-1
# points = map(s -> cutcell(map_to_interval(s, cutcell.stop_pts[f:f+1]...)), r1D)
# x = getindex.(points, 1)
# y = getindex.(points, 2)

# # compute tangent vector
# (; Vq, Dr) = rd_line
# dxdr = Vq * Dr * x
# dydr = Vq * Dr * y

# tangent_vector = SVector.(dxdr, dydr)
# scaling = (cutcell.stop_pts[f+1] - cutcell.stop_pts[f]) / 2
# Jf = norm.(tangent_vector) .* scaling
# raw_normal = SVector.(-dydr, dxdr)
# scaled_normal = (raw_normal) / norm(raw_normal) .* Jf

# @. nxJ[:, f] = getindex(scaled_normal, 1)
# @. nyJ[:, f] = getindex(scaled_normal, 2)

# # interp face coordinates to face quad nodes
# xf[:, f] .= Vq * x
# yf[:, f] .= Vq * y

# scatter!(Vq * x, Vq * y)
# quiver!(Vq * x, Vq * y, quiver=(getindex.(scaled_normal, 1), getindex.(scaled_normal, 2)))
# end
# plot!(leg=false, ratio=1)

# # test weak SBP property
# (; x, y) = md
# elem = md.mesh_type.physical_frame_elements[1]
# VDM = vandermonde(elem, rd.N, x.cut[:, 1], y.cut[:, 1])
# Vq, Vxq, Vyq = map(A -> A / VDM, basis(elem, rd.N, xq_pruned[1], yq_pruned[1]))
# M = Vq' * diagm(wJq_pruned[1]) * Vq
# Qx = Vq' * diagm(wJq_pruned[1]) * Vxq
# Vf = vandermonde(elem, rd.N, xf, yf) / VDM

# Dx, Dy = md.mesh_type.cut_cell_operators.differentiation_matrices[1]
# Qx, Qy = M * Dx, M * Dy

# Bx = Diagonal(vec(Diagonal(rd_line.wq) * nxJ))
# # Bx = Diagonal(vec(Diagonal(rd_line.wq) * reshape(md.nxJ.cut[md.mesh_type.cut_face_nodes[1]], length(rd_line.wq), :)))

# e = ones(size(Vf, 2))
# [e' * Qx; e' * Vf' * Bx * Vf]'
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions src/cut_cell_meshes.jl
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Expand Up @@ -29,14 +29,6 @@ struct CutCellMesh{T1, T2, T3, T4, T5}

# TODO: add isoparametric cut cell mesh with positive quadrature points
# # This mesh type has a polynomial representation of objects, so we don't store the curve info
# struct IsoparametricCutCellMesh{T1, T2, T3, T4}
# physical_frame_elements::T1
# cut_face_nodes::T2
# cut_cell_operators::T3
# cut_cell_data::T4
# end

function, ::MIME"text/plain", md::MeshData{DIM, <:CutCellMesh}) where {DIM}
@nospecialize md
Expand Down
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions test_cut_derivative.jl
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using StartUpDG

cells_per_dimension = 32
circle = PresetGeometries.Circle(R=0.66, x0=0, y0=0)

rd = RefElemData(Quad(), N=3)
md = MeshData(rd, (circle, ), cells_per_dimension; precompute_operators=true)

(; differentiation_matrices, lift_matrices, face_interpolation_matrices) =

(; x, y) = md

u_exact(x, y) = sin(pi * x) * sin(pi * y)
dudx_exact(x, y) = pi * cos(pi * x) * sin(pi * y)
dudy_exact(x, y) = pi * sin(pi * x) * cos(pi * y)

(; N) = rd
u_exact(x, y) = x^N + y^N
dudx_exact(x, y) = N * x^(N-1)
dudy_exact(x, y) = N * y^(N-1)

u = u_exact.(x, y)
(; physical_frame_elements, cut_face_nodes) = md.mesh_type

uf = similar(md.xf)
uf.cartesian = rd.Vf * u.cartesian
for e in eachindex(face_interpolation_matrices)
ids = cut_face_nodes[e]
Vf = face_interpolation_matrices[e]
uf.cut[ids] = Vf * u.cut[:, e]

uP = vec(uf[md.mapP])
flux = @. 0.5 * (uP - uf)

dudx, dudy = similar(md.x), similar(md.x)
dudx.cartesian .= (md.rxJ.cartesian .* (rd.Dr * u.cartesian)) ./ md.J
dudy.cartesian .= (md.syJ.cartesian .* (rd.Ds * u.cartesian)) ./ md.J
for (e, elem) in enumerate(physical_frame_elements)
Dx, Dy = differentiation_matrices[e]
LIFT = lift_matrices[e]
ids = cut_face_nodes[e]
dudx.cut[:, e] .= Dx * u.cut[:,e] + LIFT * (flux[ids] .* md.nxJ.cut[ids])
dudy.cut[:, e] .= Dy * u.cut[:,e] + LIFT * (flux[ids] .* md.nyJ.cut[ids])

@show norm(dudx - dudx_exact.(x,y), Inf)
@show norm(dudy - dudy_exact.(x,y), Inf)

# scatter(, dudx - dudx_exact.(x,y), zcolor=dudx - dudx_exact.(x,y), leg=false)
74 changes: 74 additions & 0 deletions test_cutcell_convergence.jl
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using Plots
using PathIntersections
using StartUpDG

function compute_L2_error(N, cells_per_dimension;
u_exact = (x,y) -> sin(pi * x) * sin(pi * y),
use_srd=false, use_interp=false)
rd = RefElemData(Quad(), N, quad_rule_vol=quad_nodes(Quad(), N+1))
objects = (PresetGeometries.Circle(R=0.3),)
md = MeshData(rd, objects, cells_per_dimension, cells_per_dimension; precompute_operators=true)

srd = StateRedistribution(rd, md)

(; physical_frame_elements, cut_face_nodes) = md.mesh_type
Vq_cut, Pq_cut, M_cut = ntuple(_ -> Matrix{Float64}[], 3)
for (e, elem) in enumerate(physical_frame_elements)

VDM = vandermonde(elem, rd.N, md.x.cut[:, e], md.y.cut[:, e]) # TODO: should these be md.x, md.y?
Vq, _ = map(A -> A / VDM, basis(elem, rd.N, md.xq.cut[:,e], md.yq.cut[:, e]))

M = Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e]) * Vq
push!(M_cut, M)
push!(Vq_cut, Vq)
push!(Pq_cut, M \ (Vq' * diagm(md.wJq.cut[:, e])))

if use_interp==true
u = u_exact.(
else # projection
uq = u_exact.(md.xyzq...)
u = similar(md.x)
u.cartesian .= rd.Pq * uq.cartesian
for e in eachindex(physical_frame_elements)
u.cut[:, e] .= Pq_cut[e] * uq.cut[:, e]

if use_srd == true

# eval solution at quad points
uq = similar(md.xq)
uq.cartesian .= rd.Vq * u.cartesian
for e in eachindex(physical_frame_elements)
uq.cut[:, e] .= Vq_cut[e] * u.cut[:, e]

L2err = sqrt(abs(sum(md.wJq .* (uq - u_exact.(md.xyzq...)).^2)))
return L2err

N = 3
num_cells = [4, 8, 16, 32, 64]

L2_error, L2_error_srd, L2_error_interp, L2_error_interp_srd = ntuple(_ -> Float64[], 4)
for cells_per_dimension in num_cells
@show cells_per_dimension
use_interp = true
push!(L2_error_interp, compute_L2_error(N, cells_per_dimension; use_interp))
push!(L2_error_interp_srd, compute_L2_error(N, cells_per_dimension; use_interp, use_srd=true))
use_interp = false
push!(L2_error, compute_L2_error(N, cells_per_dimension; use_interp))
push!(L2_error_srd, compute_L2_error(N, cells_per_dimension; use_interp, use_srd=true))

h = 2 ./ num_cells
plot!(h, L2_error_interp, marker=:dot, label="Interp")
plot!(h, L2_error_interp_srd, marker=:dot, label="Interp (SRD)")
plot!(h, L2_error, marker=:dot, label="Projection")
plot!(h, L2_error_srd, marker=:dot, label="Projection (SRD)")
plot!(h, 1e-1*h.^(N+1), linestyle=:dash, label="h^{N+1}")
plot!(xaxis=:log, yaxis=:log, legend = :topleft)