The main idea is to turn SQLResultSets into Arrays of expected types, this decorator attemps to be used only in methods, it will let you work with observables or promises (default are promises) as result types, if result type is different it will throw an error indicating the above mentioned.
getAll(): Observable<RowProcess[]> {
return this.fromPromise(this.db.executeSql("SELECT * FROM users", []));
* Take in mind that if you use the *Promise* based method you'll be able to use async/await sintax without problems
* @example
* async getUsers() {
* let users = await this.usersService.getAllByPromise();
* console.log(users);
* }
getAllByPromise(): Promise<RowProcess[]> {
return this.db.executeSql("SELECT * FROM users", []);
- will resolve SQLResultSet to an array of T
- will resolve a single value of T. If resultSet contains more than 1 row it will throw an exception
- will return the insertId generated by sqlite
- will return the rowsChanged generated by sqlite
All of the above methods will work in the same way as explained in examples above
If for some reasson you have a node application with sqlite3 and typescript this decorators should work for you perfectly