JobQueue allows Magento applications to place tasks in a queue to be processed asynchronously. It is built on DJJob and makes use of the existing MySQL backend. Some tasks this may be ideal for are:
- Downloading files
- Processing batch jobs
- Sending data to a back-office application or third party systems
- PHP 5.1 or higher
- MySQL 4.1.20 or higher
- Magento CE1.6.0-1.9.x/EE1.7.0-1.14.x
Jobs must extend Jowens_JobQueue_Model_Job_Abstract and implement the perform() method.
class Foo_Bar_Model_Order_Job extends Jowens_JobQueue_Model_Job_Abstract
public function perform() {
// implementation logic
That job can then be used like so:
$job = Mage::getModel('bar/order_job');
$job->setName('Order# 12345')
Name is used to identify the job in backend, so be descriptive! The enqueue method can take two optional parameters, a string for queue name and timestamp to specify a time to run the job.
The job can also be attempted immediately. If it fails it is added to the default queue for retry.
$job = Mage::getModel('bar/order_job');
$job->setName('Order# 12345')
To put the job on a queue other than the default one, performImmediate takes an optional string value for the name of the retry queue.
JobQueue requires Magento cron to be configured in order to run pending jobs. By default a JobQueue worker executes the pending jobs every 5 minutes. If a job fails it will be retried up to 10 times. Both of these settings can be configured in the admin panel under System > Configuration > General > JobQueue.
Jobs in other queues can be executed by adding more cron entries to a custom module config.xml.
Alternatively workers could be configured to run as they normally would using DJJob. See the documentation.
Pending and failed jobs can be monitored in the admin panel by going to System > JobQueue.