The goal of this module is to provide a tool to import a static html page with css, js and images then work on it to define some area and at the end export it as a usable jahia template
- Dom tree selector, to be able to select dom element using a tree of all the html nodes in the page
- clean the code in the export
- provide some dropdown list nodetypes available when exporting area and want to create a view
- allow to create other view than default view for a given type
- provide dropdown to list modules, when want to export the project, or all to create a new templateset module directly
- simplify import, create a dedicated UI
- improve dom element selector visual to mark the element that have rules for the export, so you can identify them
- provide a ui to display all the current areas, modification available for the current project
- deploy this module and go to administration, you should have a new server setting call "template importer"
- using google chrome, save as feature on right click in the html page you want to dump
- this will export the current .html page and the associate assets, imgs in a folder
- the links in the .html should be relative
- you need to rename the .html file to index.html, because the template importer only look for this file to load the page
- after the rename, wrap everythings in a folder, the name of the folder will be the name of the project displayed in the template importer
- zip this folder.
Now you should have a .zip respecting this structure:
│ index.html
│ │ file111.css
│ │ file112.js
│ │ ...
- Now you can upload in the Digital factory JCR using the document manager
- go to /sites/systemsite/files/ti-projects
- if the folder ti-projects don't exist, create it, it's the folder used by template importer to look up project
- upload your .zip inside the ti-projects and don't forget to check "automatically unzip" checkbox
- You should see your project appear in the left panel of template importer now and click on it to see the dumped site page.
you can right click on a Dom element inside the template importer to define this dom element as an area to export from the main page. This will have for effect to create the good <template:area tag in the futur template and export the content of the Dom element to a dedicated view. For that you can specify the nodetype you want to create the view, and a checkbox to tell to the generation to create the associate nodetype or not.
you can right click on an existing area
each time you do a modification, you have to manually save the project. Using button on top left
After work is finished you can export result to a dedicated module, you need to specify the target module. First the sources of the modules need to mounted. I suggest to create a new empty templateSet from the studio and use it as target module.
The export should create this resources:
- javascript assets moved to /resources/javascript
- css assets moved to /resources/css
- other files, imgs, moved to /template/files folder
- new views for exported areas
- associated definition for exported areas if checkbox checked.
Then you can use this new template as template for the home page for example and start working on it. And at the end use it for creating a site.
This application is a full angularjs app, dependencies:
- importer/libs/jquery.min.js,
- importer/libs/angular.min.js,
- importer/libs/angular-route.min.js,
- importer/libs/angular-animate.min.js,
- importer/libs/angular-aria.min.js,
- importer/libs/angular-material.min.js,
- importer/libs/underscore-min.js,
- importer/libs/underscore.string.min.js
A custom directive have been develop to wrap the all application
Angularjs material is used to create the UIs, dialogs, circular loading, bottom left messages, context menu on rigth click
some code have been reused from marketing factory modules, like the iframe-on-load directive to be able to run a callback after the loading of an iframe This allow to attach some listener inside the iframe or modify the DOM.
A dedicated service have been develop to provide the visual dom selector. the original inspiration come from But have been rewrite and adapted to fit needed and used in angularjs app.
A custom end point is also provide to trigger some action server side, like the export of the all project. So it's done one time. (this part can really be improved, just support the minimal needs)