How Much Home Office is Ideal? A Multi-Perspective Algorithm (CHIWORK '23)
Mark Colley*, Pascal Jansen*, Jennifer Jorina Matthiesen*, Hanne Hoberg, Carmen Regerand, Isabel Thiermann (*=equal contribution)
The COVID pandemic has made working from home necessary, and many employees want to continue doing so even after the pandemic. There are advantages and drawbacks to the home office trend from both employer and employee perspectives. Determining the ideal proportion of home office for each employee is important but there is a research gap in how to do so. This work presents an algorithm that considers multiple perspectives to determine the ideal proportion of home office, including the employer's view, demographic and social factors of the employee, and the employee's preferred proportion of home office. The algorithm combines findings from several studies and can identify discrepancies between these perspectives.
We consider three different perspectives to determine the ideal proportion of home office:
- The employer's perspective, denoted as
$P_{ER}$ - Social factors, denoted as
$P_{social}$ - The preferred proportion of home office by employees, denoted as
From the employer's perspective, we determine the maximum proportion of home office (
The factors of
We distinguish between an individual's and the company's total result for each perspective. Based on this, discrepancies between employers and employees and any need for discussion are identified.
The following image visualizes the algorithm.