How to run (MAC OS):
- In terminal, open project folder and type: ruby controller.rb nodes config
1a) Any adjustments to nodes or their ports should be done in the "nodes" file
1b) Any adjustments to the update interval, max payload, or timeout should be done in the "config" file
Commands: given in the form of "COMMAND [args]"
SENDMSG [node] [message]
Function: send message to node
DUMPTABLE [filename]
Function: prints current view of the routing table as a CSV to filename
Format: src, dst, nextHop, distance
Function: shuts down the node and flushes all buffers
Function: prints out status information
Name: <node>
Port: <port the node is listening on>
Neighbors: <lexicographically sorted list of neighbors>
EDGEB [src_ip] [dst_ip] [dst]
Function: creates symmetric node of cost 1 between nodes at prescribed IP using a single TCP connection
EDGEU [dst] [cost]
Function: updates cost between node to neighbor, non-symmetric
EDGED [dst]
Function: destroys the edge between src node and dst node, non-symmetric
SENDMSG [dst] [msg]
Function: sends msg to dst
PING [dst] [num_pings] [delay]
Function: send num_pings to node with delay seconds in between pings
Function: perform a tracerout from src to dst