Deploy hubot for slack.
docker run --rm \
--name hubot-slack \
-e REDIS_URL=redis:// \
- (Required) The token issued from the Slack bot user page](
- (Required) A redis server url in the form redis://PASSWORD@HOST:PORT/KEYPREFIX. Without this, any data saved to the brain will not persist between restarts or nodes.HUBOT_GOOGLE_API_KEY
- (Optional) A Google Maps JavaScript API v3 key. This can be obtained through the google developers console.HUBOT_GOOGLE_CSE_ID
- (Optional) A google Custom Search Engine to use in searches. Without this, the images returned from the 'animate me' command will not be animated.HUBOT_GOOGLE_CSE_KEY
- (Optional) A 'server' API key for the CSE API, available through the google developers console . Without this, the images returned from the 'animate me' command will not be animated.
- jacobsanford/hubot-slack is licensed under the MIT License:
- Attribution is not required, but much appreciated:
Hubot for Slack Docker Image by Jacob Sanford