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Fix size_global for singleton dimensions (v2)
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jipolanco committed May 6, 2022
1 parent 7ea15d9 commit 2e1fe41
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Showing 2 changed files with 85 additions and 58 deletions.
122 changes: 74 additions & 48 deletions src/arrays.jl
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Expand Up @@ -65,7 +65,7 @@ Extra dimensions can be specified, which will be added to the rightmost
These dimensions might represent things like different vector components in
physical applications.
## Singleton dimensions
## Constant (or singleton) dimensions
It is possible to specify that some of the dimensions should have size 1 --
instead of having the same size as the pencil.
Expand All @@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ Suppose `pencil` has local dimensions `(20, 10, 30)`. Then:
PencilArray{Float64}(undef, pencil) # array dimensions are (20, 10, 30)
PencilArray{Float64}(undef, pencil; singleton = 1) # array dimensions are ( 1, 10, 30)
PencilArray{Float64}(undef, pencil, 4, 3) # array dimensions are (20, 10, 30, 4, 3)
PencilArray{Float64}(undef, pencil, 4, 3) # array dimensions are (20, 10, 30, 4, 3)
PencilArray{Float64}(undef, pencil, 4, 3; singleton = (1, 3)) # array dimensions are (1, 10, 1, 4, 3)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -125,41 +125,52 @@ struct PencilArray{
} <: AbstractArray{T,N}
pencil :: P
data :: A
space_dims :: Dims{Np} # spatial dimensions in *logical* order
extra_dims :: Dims{E}

# This constructor is not to be used directly!
# It exists just to enforce that the type of data array is consistent with
# typeof_array(pencil).
function PencilArray(pencil::Pencil, data::AbstractArray)
dims_extra :: Dims{E} # optional rightmost dimensions, which are never distributed

# Dimensions of global array (in logical order).
# Note that this only includes the first Np dimensions, i.e. the "physical"
# dimensions that can be distributed.
# These are generally the same as size_global(pencil), except for singleton
# dimensions, in which case they are 1.
dims_global :: Dims{Np}

# NOTE: this constructor is not to be used directly!!!
function PencilArray(
pencil::Pencil{Np}, data::AbstractArray{T,N},
) where {T, Np, N}
_check_compatible(pencil, data)

N = ndims(data)
Np = ndims(pencil)
E = N - Np
size_data = size(data)
dims_data = size(data)

geom_dims = ntuple(n -> size_data[n], Np) # = size_data[1:Np]
extra_dims = ntuple(n -> size_data[Np + n], E) # = size_data[Np+1:N]
perm = permutation(pencil)
dims_space_mem = ntuple(n -> dims_data[n], Np) # = dims_data[1:Np]
dims_pencil_mem = size_local(pencil, MemoryOrder())
dims_glob_mem = perm * dims_global

dims_local = size_local(pencil, MemoryOrder())
dims_are_ok = all(zip(geom_dims, dims_local)) do (x, y)
# We compare dimensions in memory order (as they are stored in `data`)
dims_are_ok = all(
zip(dims_space_mem, dims_pencil_mem, dims_glob_mem)
) do (ndata, nl, ng)
# A dimension size is "correct" if it's either equal to the local
# pencil size, or equal to 1 (for singleton array dimensions).
x == y || x == 1
# We expect a singleton dimension if the given *global* size is 1.
expect_singleton = ng == 1
expect_singleton ? (ndata == 1) : (ndata == nl && ndata ng)

if !dims_are_ok
"array has incorrect dimensions: $(size_data). " *
"Local dimensions of pencil: $(dims_local)."))
"array has incorrect dimensions: $(dims_data). " *
"Local dimensions of pencil (in memory order): $(dims_pencil_mem)."

space_dims = permutation(pencil) \ geom_dims # undo permutation

T = eltype(data)
dims_extra = ntuple(n -> dims_data[Np + n], E) # = dims_data[Np+1:N]
P = typeof(pencil)
new{T, N, typeof(data), Np, E, P}(pencil, data, space_dims, extra_dims)

new{T, N, typeof(data), Np, E, P}(pencil, data, dims_extra, dims_global)

Expand All @@ -174,26 +185,31 @@ end
_check_compatible(A, up, ubase)

_apply_singleton(dims, ::Nothing) = dims
_apply_singleton(dims, ::Tuple{}) = dims

function _apply_singleton(dims, singleton)
function _apply_singleton(dims::NTuple, singleton)
T = eltype(dims)
for i singleton
dims = Base.setindex(dims, 1, i)
dims = Base.setindex(dims, one(T), i)

function PencilArray{T}(
init, pencil::Pencil, extra_dims::Vararg{Integer};
singleton = nothing,
singleton = (),
) where {T}
dims_log = size_local(pencil, LogicalOrder())
dims_log = _apply_singleton(dims_log, singleton)
dims_log = let dims = size_local(pencil, LogicalOrder())
_apply_singleton(dims, singleton)
perm = permutation(pencil)
dims_mem = perm * dims_log
dims = (dims_mem..., extra_dims...)
dims_global = let dims = size_global(pencil, LogicalOrder())
(_apply_singleton(dims, singleton)..., extra_dims...)
A = typeof_array(pencil)
PencilArray(pencil, A{T}(init, dims))
PencilArray(pencil, A{T}(init, dims), dims_global)

# Treat PencilArray similarly to other wrapper types.
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,7 +269,7 @@ collection(x::PencilArray) = (x, )

const MaybePencilArrayCollection = Union{PencilArray, PencilArrayCollection}

function _apply(f::Function, x::PencilArrayCollection, args...; kwargs...)
function _only(f::F, x::PencilArrayCollection, args...; kwargs...) where {F}
a = first(x)
if !all(b -> pencil(a) === pencil(b), x)
throw(ArgumentError("PencilArrayCollection is not homogeneous"))
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -352,21 +368,24 @@ julia> similar(u, Int, pen_v; singleton = 1) |> summary
function Base.similar(x::PencilArray, ::Type{S}; singleton = nothing) where {S}
dims_log = _apply_singleton(size_local(x, LogicalOrder()), singleton)
dims_mem = permutation(x) * dims_log
data = similar(parent(x), S, dims_mem)
PencilArray(pencil(x), data)
function Base.similar(x::PencilArray, ::Type{S}; singleton = ()) where {S}
similar(x, S, pencil(x); singleton)

# If `dims` is passed, return a regular (non-distributed) array.
Base.similar(x::PencilArray, ::Type{S}, dims::Dims) where {S} =
similar(parent(x), S, dims)

function Base.similar(x::PencilArray, ::Type{S}, p::Pencil; singleton = nothing) where {S}
dims_log = _apply_singleton(size_local(p, LogicalOrder()), singleton)
dims_mem = permutation(p) * dims_log
dims_data = (dims_mem..., extra_dims(x)...)
PencilArray(p, similar(parent(x), S, dims_data))
# Create PencilArray with possibly different Pencil configuration
function Base.similar(x::PencilArray, ::Type{S}, p::Pencil; singleton = ()) where {S}
dims_loc = _apply_singleton(size_local(p, LogicalOrder()), singleton)
dims_glb = _apply_singleton(size_global(p, LogicalOrder()), singleton)
dims_mem = permutation(p) * dims_loc
dims_ext = extra_dims(x)
dims_data = (dims_mem..., dims_ext...)
dims_global = (dims_glb..., dims_ext...)
data = similar(parent(x), S, dims_data)
PencilArray(p, data, dims_global)

Base.similar(x::PencilArray, p::Pencil; kws...) = similar(x, eltype(x), p; kws...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -421,7 +440,7 @@ end
Return decomposition configuration associated to a `PencilArray`.
pencil(x::PencilArray) = x.pencil
pencil(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _apply(pencil, x)
pencil(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _only(pencil, x)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -484,16 +503,16 @@ The total number of dimensions of a `PencilArray` is given by:
ndims_space(x::PencilArray) = ndims(x) - ndims_extra(x)
ndims_space(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _apply(ndims_space, x)
ndims_space(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _only(ndims_space, x)

Return tuple with size of "extra" dimensions of `PencilArray`.
extra_dims(x::PencilArray) = x.extra_dims
extra_dims(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _apply(extra_dims, x)
extra_dims(x::PencilArray) = x.dims_extra
extra_dims(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _only(extra_dims, x)

Expand All @@ -512,8 +531,15 @@ Local data range held by the `PencilArray`.
By default the dimensions are returned in logical order.
range_local(x::MaybePencilArrayCollection, args...; kw...) =
(range_local(pencil(x), args...; kw...)..., map(Base.OneTo, extra_dims(x))...)
function range_local(x::PencilArray, args...; kws...)
# TODO should we consider singleton dimensions here?
range_phys = range_local(pencil(x), args...; kws...)
N = length(range_phys)
range_extr = ntuple(i -> axes(x, N + i), Val(ndims_extra(x)))
(range_phys..., range_extr...)

range_local(x::PencilArrayCollection, args...) = _only(range_local, x, args...)

range_remote(x::PencilArray, coords, [order = LogicalOrder()])
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -557,7 +583,7 @@ function permutation(::Type{A}) where {A <: PencilArray}

permutation(x::PencilArray) = permutation(typeof(x))
permutation(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _apply(permutation, x)
permutation(x::PencilArrayCollection) = _only(permutation, x)

Expand Down
21 changes: 11 additions & 10 deletions src/size.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -39,11 +39,12 @@ Local dimensions of the data held by the `PencilArray`.
See also [`size_local(::Pencil)`](@ref).
size_local(x::MaybePencilArrayCollection, args...; kwargs...) =
(size_local(pencil(x), args...; kwargs...)..., extra_dims(x)...)
size_local(x::PencilArray, ::MemoryOrder) = size(parent(x))
size_local(x::PencilArray, ::LogicalOrder = LogicalOrder()) =
permutation(x) \ size_local(x, MemoryOrder())

size_local(x::GlobalPencilArray, args...; kwargs...) =
size_local(parent(x), args...; kwargs...)
size_local(xs::PencilArrayCollection, args...) = _only(size_local, xs, args...)
size_local(x::GlobalPencilArray, args...) = size_local(parent(x), args...)

size_global(x::PencilArray, [order = LogicalOrder()])
Expand All @@ -53,12 +54,12 @@ Global dimensions associated to the given array.
By default, the logical dimensions of the dataset are returned.
If `order = LogicalOrder()`, this is the same as `size(x)`.
See also [`size_global(::Pencil)`](@ref).
size_global(x::MaybePencilArrayCollection, args...; kw...) =
(size_global(pencil(x), args...; kw...)..., extra_dims(x)...)
size_global(x::PencilArray, ::LogicalOrder = LogicalOrder()) =
(x.dims_global..., x.dims_extra...)
size_global(x::PencilArray, ::MemoryOrder) =
permutation(x) * size_global(x, LogicalOrder())

size_global(x::GlobalPencilArray, args...; kwargs...) =
size_global(parent(x), args...; kwargs...)
size_global(xs::PencilArrayCollection, args...) = _only(size_global, xs, args...)
size_global(x::GlobalPencilArray, args...) = size_global(parent(x), args...)

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