This is a warehouse for TransNext-pytorch-model, can be used to train your image datasets for classification tasks. The code mainly comes from official source code.
├── datasets: Load datasets
├── Customize reading data sets and define transforms data enhancement methods
├── Define the function to read the image dataset and divide the training-set and test-set
├── Additional data augmentation methods
├── models: TransNeXt Model
├── Construct "TransNeXt" model
├── util:
├── Function code for a training/validation process
├── Knowledge distillation loss, combined with teacher model (if any)
├── Define Sophia optimizer
├── Define the parameter of "sampler" in DataLoader
├── Record various indicator information and output and distributed environment
├── Visualized evaluation indicators ROC curve, confusion matrix, classification report, etc.
└── Training model startup file
Before you use the code to train your own data set, please first enter the file and modify the data_root, batch_size and nb_classes parameters. If you want to draw the confusion matrix and ROC curve, you only need to remove the comments of Plot_ROC and Predictor at the end of the code. For the third parameter, you should change it to the path of your own model weights file(.pth). If the default batch_size is equal to 16, the largest(transnext_base) model is selected, and mixed precision training is enabled, the GPU memory usage is about 10G. Moreover, taking the largest model(transnext_base) as an example, inputting a 3-channel image with a height and width of 224, the number of model parameters that need to be trained is as follows:
Total params: 88,956,341
Trainable params: 88,956,341
Non-trainable params: 0
Total mult-adds (G): 2.09
Input size (MB): 0.60
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 1052.14
Params size (MB): 355.37
Estimated Total Size (MB): 1408.11
You can use anther optimizer sophia, just need to change the optimizer in, for this training sample, can achieve better results
# optimizer = create_optimizer(args, model_without_ddp)
optimizer = SophiaG(model.parameters(), lr=2e-4, betas=(0.965, 0.99), rho=0.01, weight_decay=args.weight_decay)
1. nproc_per_node: <The number of GPUs you want to use on each node (machine/server)>
2. CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES: <Specify the index of the GPU corresponding to a single node (machine/server) (starting from 0)>
3. nnodes: <number of nodes (machine/server)>
4. node_rank: <node (machine/server) serial number>
5. master_addr: <master node (machine/server) IP address>
6. master_port: <master node (machine/server) port number>
If you want to use multiple GPU for training, whether it is a single machine with multiple GPUs or multiple machines with multiple GPUs, each GPU will divide the batch_size equally. For example, batch_size=4 in my If I want to use 2 GPUs for training, it means that the batch_size on each GPU is 4. Do not let batch_size=1 on each GPU, otherwise BN layer maybe report an error. If you recive an error like "error: unrecognized arguments: --local-rank=1" when you use distributed multi-GPUs training, just replace the command "torch.distributed.launch" to "".
python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=8
(using a specified part of the GPUs: for example, I want to use the second and fourth GPUs)
CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=1,3 python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=2
(For the specific number of GPUs on each machine, modify the value of --nproc_per_node. If you want to specify a certain GPU, just add CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES= to specify the index number of the GPU before each command. The principle is the same as single-machine multi-GPU training)
On the first machine: python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=0 --master_addr=<Master node IP address> --master_port=<Master node port number>
On the second machine: python -m torch.distributed.launch --nproc_per_node=1 --nnodes=2 --node_rank=1 --master_addr=<Master node IP address> --master_port=<Master node port number>
title={TransNeXt: Robust Foveal Visual Perception for Vision Transformers},
author={Shi, Dai},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2311.17132},