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What is it

^dlFace is helper for downloading files from various sources like torrents, public file storages, ftps and others. It lays on server side and publishes simple REST api to manipulate with downloads. There is also a simple built-in web interface which uses this REST api.

Browser screenshots

Add Download Downloads List Download Detail 1 Download Detail 2

Build requirements

  • Java 8
  • Maven 2 (maybe also 3?)

Runtime requirements

  • Web container running on Java 8. Currently tested:
    • Tomcat 8
    • Jetty 9
  • Internet connection (surprisingly)


To build project do the following (where ${dlface.root} is root of git clone):

cd ${dlface.root}
mvn clean install

than you can find deployable war in


and Jetty embedded standalone executable jar in



Standalone Jetty embedded executable

Simply run the following command

java -jar ${dlface.root}/embedded/target/embedded-${dlface.version}.jar

Embedded Jetty maven plugin

Simply do the following

cd ${dlface.root}
mvn clean install
cd ${dlface.root}/face
mvn jetty:run-exploded

and the Jetty server will start. Check logs for open port of the application.

Tomcat 8

Deploy manually

To deploy manually into Tomcat 8 simply copy builded war into


and the server will do the (re)deploy automatically

Deploy from Maven

To make Tomcat server able to allow deploying from maven you must do following steps:

(1) Install tomcat admin eg. on Ubuntu/Debian:

sudo apt-get install tomcat8-admin

(2) Add Tomcat users Edit tomcat-users.xml

Add following lines:

  <role rolename="manager-gui"/>
  <role rolename="manager-script"/>
  <user username="admin" password="thecorepassword" roles="manager-gui,manager-script"/>

(3) Add server to Maven configuration

Edit ~/.m2/settings.xml


(4) Deploy to server

mvn install tomcat7:redeploy -Dtomcat.url=http://tomcatUrl:port/manager/text -Dtomcat.server=TomcatServer

Mind that tomcat7 plugin is used also for Tomcat 8 server


Default config folder is located in $HOME/.dlface, but you can override it by setting DLFACE_CONFIG_DIR environment property. If this folder does not exists, it's created by application if it is possible (ACL etc.).

Application then looks for file in this folder. If it does not exists, it's automatically created (check ACL) from template (with comments explaining configuration).

Bridges configuration

Each bridge has it's own configuration located in the same folder as main configuration.

  • torrentbridge:
  • frdbridge:

If they are not present, they are automatically created. There are no comments in these files, but the properties are almost all self-explaining.

To apply any of configuration (applies also on main configuration) you have to restart web server.


Bridge as the name describe is a connection between the ^dlface core services and some download implementations.

Currently supported

  • torrentbridge - able to take torrent file or url and start download files
  • frdbridge - this is connection to third-party plugins of FreeRapidDownloader
    • to run this you must run FreeRapidDownloader itself and let it download all supported plugins (once)
    • the same applies for plugins updates (they have rules for using their repository)
    • you can run it on different computer, then copy the $HOME/.FRD folder into dlface server computer
    • support them, they do great job
  • rawbridge - downloads file as is (usable for ftp downloads, iso images etc)

Future plans (not yet implemented)

  • jdbridge - connection to third-party JDownloader (WIP)
  • jsbridge - connection to javascript scripts for download (probably reusable by tools like node.js, phantomjs, casperjs)


  • frdlegacy - GNU GPL v2. // need to separate

For Developers

Used technologies

Code rules

  • no redundancy (REST results etc.)
  • server side does not know anything about presentation.
  • try to reuse everything what is already written (and if the license allows it) - apache commons, datatables etc.
  • lower the amount of third party code direct inclusion in the project (sometime it's unavoidable). e.g. webjars for js libs.
  • mind utils module, reuse what can be reused, add something if it's util method


The slf4j project is used with Logback implementation.

Everything (third parties) what is possible try to redirect to this log.

All Loggers are by class private static final constants. Therefore UPPERCASE. Example:

   private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MyClass.class);

Creating bridge

To create your own download bridge you have to:

  • create maven module project in bridges/${myBridge}/${myBridge}bridge
  • add other dependant modules if needed into bridges/${myBridge}
  • add dependency on this module into main project
  • add main module as parent into your module
  • add dependency on ibridge module (this is the true bridge)
  • create class extends DefaultDownloadStatusUpdateObservable implements IBridge
  • for user actions (e.g captchas) inject ActionHandler(Impl), choose one class in dl.ibridge.action package, create Request instance, call actionHandler.addActionRequest()
  • call postProcess.postProcess(<list of downloaded files>); when download is finished


Automated download manager server







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