This repository contains didactic artifacts relevant to the integrative project to be developed during the second semester of the academic year of 2021-2022 in the Degree in Informatics Engineering (LEI) from Instituto Superior de Engenharia do Porto (ISEP).
In particular, it has:
- The team members and task assignment during Sprints
- A template to capture and systematize evidence of applying properly the Software Development Process, namely regarding the activities of Engineering Requirements, OO Analysis and Design
- Source code available to students as a starting point
- General description of how the provided application works (and it is structured).
The following sequence diagram graphically represents the intended flow for the application where there is a clear separation (decoupling) between the domain classes and the user interaction classes (user interface). This decoupling is performed by classes with the suffix Controller.
The execution of some functionalities by users must be preceded and verified by an authorization mechanism based on users' roles. This verification can be carried out as follows:
Users' authentication and authorization processes are reutilizing an external component called AuthLib. Documentation regarding this component is available here.