This walkthrough gives you hand on expierence on using SenseCrypt eID and SenseCrypt FacePKI. For more in depth information about SenseCrypt, you checkout our Website or the SenseCrypt Documentation.
The notebooks can all be hosted on Google Colab. If you want to run the notebooks in the local environment, you can set up the environment as shown below in the command line:
To set up a virtual environment (Recommended, below shows an example to set up virtual environment using virtualenvwrapper):
pip install virtualenvwrapper
mkvirtualenv sensecrypt-walkthrough # Create a new virtual environment called sensecrypt-walkthrough
workon sensecrypt-walkthrough # Activate the created virtual environment
To install the dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
To deactivate the virtual environment:
To remove the virtual environment (If you no longer need it):
rmvirtualenv sensecrypt-walkthrough
This walkthrough is split up in 6 chapters. The chapters build upon each other, you need to go through them in order.