Recently I had to read the certificates from a PKCS11 enabled smart card. After some research and some problems, I ended with two solutions:
This is an old implemention that has been included into JRE since Java 5. But, on Windows and prior to Java 8, only in the 32 bits versions of JRE [JEP 131]. It is easy to use, especially if you have experience with Keystores and Certificates.
- Uses a native JNI PKCS11 wrapper (j2pkcs11)
- easy to use
- included with JRE 5+
- doesn't work on JRE Windows 64 bits if Java 7 or prior
- to load the keystore the pin code is required, even to read public certificates
Since I needed to access some public certificates information without the pin code and SunPKCS11 wouldn't help me, I searched a bit by Wrappers in Java that wouldn't need a custom native part. I found the IAIK PKCS11 Wrapper, but it has some native C codes that need compiling and the newer version is commercial and paid. Luckly there is this JNA PKCS11 Wrapper that is pretty complete and gave me the understanding to overcome some memory allocation problems when using structures.
- based on the PKCS11 specification version 2.4
- tested with and aetpkss1.dll
- Uses JNA, not JNI
- Works with Java < 8 on JRE 64 bits on Windows
- The pin code is only needed to access private certificates for signing or for writing operations
- Harder to use
- Needs deep control over memory allocation when calling native methods and using structures
# mvn "-Dexec.args=-classpath %classpath com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main PinCode123" -Dexec.executable=$JAVA_HOME/bin/java org.codehaus.mojo:exec-maven-plugin:1.2.1:exec
14:56:05.883 [main] INFO com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main - === BEGIN SMART CARD ACCESS ===
14:56:05.885 [main] INFO com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main - === USING SUN'S IMPLEMENTATION ===
14:56:08.709 [main] INFO com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main - CN=JONH SNOW PARKER:123456789,OU=AR SERASA,OU=(EM BRANCO),OU=RFB e-CPF A3,OU=Secretaria da Receita Federal do Brasil - RFB,O=ICP-Brasil,C=BR
14:56:08.709 [main] INFO com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main -
14:56:08.710 [main] INFO com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main - === USING JNA ===
14:56:09.163 [main] INFO com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main - JONH SNOW PARKER:123456789
14:56:09.163 [main] INFO com.jesjobom.pkcs11.Main - === END OF SMART CARD ACCESS ===