- Lidar sensor plugins and joints were added
- Obstacle Avoidance code for autonomous mapping of the world was scripted
- Launch files for launching in Gazebo and RViz environment was written
- GMapping code was customized based on M2WR links and joints
- Thus, launched and visualized using ROS; then obstacle avoidance code is called
- Then map has to be saved
- AMCL is used to navigate in the mapped environment
To understand the basic URDF M2WR robot, refer https://www.theconstructsim.com/ros-projects-exploring-ros-using-2-wheeled-robot-part-1/
To make new world in particular a room in this case, go to Building Editor -> Create using the tools in the left widget box -> Save the world -> Exit. To learn more about building in Gazebo, refer http://gazebosim.org/tutorials?cat=build_world&tut=building_editor