OPEN AI examples using GPT-4o model
Whether you're new to OpenAI or an experienced developer, this repository offers practical examples to help you integrate and utilize OpenAI's powerful language models.
Key Features
- Dockerized Environment: Ensures a consistent and isolated setup, making it easy to run examples without manual dependency management.
- GPT-4o Integration: Explore the latest capabilities of OpenAI's GPT-4o model across various use cases.
- GitHub Codespaces Support: Open the project directly in GitHub Codespaces for a seamless, web-based development experience.
What's Inside
- Dockerfile: Defines the Docker environment setup for the project.
- devcontainer.json: Configuration file for setting up the development container in Visual Studio Code.
- QuickStarts/: Contains scripts demonstrating different applications of the OpenAI API.
Getting Started
Run the App Locally
- Download and Install Docker: Ensure Docker is installed on your machine.
- Clone the Repository:
git clone
cd OpenAIQuickStart
- Setup Devcontainer: Open the repository in Visual Studio Code and select "Reopen in Container" from the Remote Explorer extension.
- Obtain OpenAI API Key: Store your OpenAI API key in your GitHub Codespaces secrets as OPENAI_API_KEY.
- Run the Main App:
Running in GitHub Codespaces
- Open the repository in GitHub Codespaces.
- Skip to Step 5 and start running the examples immediately.
Contributing We welcome contributions! Feel free to fork the repository, create a feature branch, and submit a pull request. For significant changes, please open an issue first to discuss your ideas.
Contact For questions or assistance, please open an issue or reach out via GitHub Discussions.