Apache Serf Buildstream project proof-of-concept
This is currently a work-in-progress.
In order to build this project with Buildstream, we require a base platform. This
platform is currently described in platform/Dockerfile
and must be accessible
as platform/layer.tar
cd platform
docker build .
docker save <image id> -o platform.tar
tar xf platform.tar
mv */layer.tar .
See Buildstream bst-plugins-container Issue 21 for potential improvements to this workflow.
# Required to sync the platform created above with the local state
bst source track platform.bst
# Build the project and dependencies
bst build serf.bst
See VS Code Devcontainer for Buildstream to get a running Buildstream 2.x environment under VS Code. This devcontainer can then be used to build this project.
Alternatively, you can use the Dockerfile
in this repository to build. However, Buildstream 2.x currently requires running under a privileged container to support FUSE; therefore, this requires docker buildx
If you are on Docker Desktop, you must enable the buildx experimental options and creating a builder with insecure options enabled.
$ docker buildx create --buildkitd-flags "--allow-insecure-entitlement security.insecure" --use
$ docker buildx build --allow security.insecure --load -t serf-bst .
(It takes about 340s to build the container this way.)