This site is intended to be deployed using my docker-bootstrap approach, and the command stream used to launch the site on Grinnell College's
server is:
docker container run -d --name ${NAME} \
--label traefik.backend=${NAME} \
--label \
--label "traefik.frontend.rule=Host:${HOST}" \
--label traefik.port=80 \
--label com.centurylinklabs.watchtower.enable=true \
--network traefik_webgateway \
--restart always \
fin init
Will initialize new site, append a test content and compile the site.
Your new site will be instantly available at http://static.$VIRTUAL_HOST
To develop a Hugo project you need Hugo running in a server mode (Hugo Quickstart guide for more details).
fin develop
Starts a Hugo server. The server will be available at http://$VIRTUAL_HOST
Updates as you edit, reload the page to see your changes.
NOTE: once started, the Hugo server will run, blocking the console. Kill it with Ctrl-C
, when you are done.
fin compile
Will re-compile static site into public
folder. It is available at http://static.$VIRTUAL_HOST