Releases: jdoss/slack-repo
slack-repo v0.0.4
This is the v0.0.4 release of slack-repo. It provides a DNF/YUM repository for installing Slack on RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora Linux. You can install the repo via Copr.
Update to new GPG key per this KB article.
slack-repo v0.0.3
This is the v0.0.3 release of slack-repo. It provides a DNF/YUM repository for installing Slack on RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora Linux. You can install the repo via Copr.
Update to new GPG key per this KB article.
slack-repo v0.0.2
slack-repo v0.0.1
This is the first release of slack-repo. It provides a DNF/YUM repository for installing Slack on RHEL, CentOS, and Fedora Linux. You can install the repo via Copr.