Live Site:
Countdown Party is a modern countdown timer to help you count down to any day. You can even add a link to the event you're counting down to.
- jQuery
- Stylus
- Pattern from The Amazing Pattern Library
- Node
- Express
- Jade
- Semantic UI: My new favorite UI component library with awesome form validation. I like it better than Bootstrap or Foundation.
- pickadate.js: What a cool jQuery library for date and time picker. Easy to use and nicely designed.
- Odometer: I used this JavaScript and CSS library to smoothly transition the countdown numbers with ease. Thanks HubSpot!
- CodesArc Programming Tutorials: I referenced this Javascript Countdown For Remaining Time tutorial for the countdown feature. I added some logic to prevent the timer from counting down pass 0 and a modal to congratulate the user when the time is up.
- SVG Icons FTW
- Ability to receive a daily email reminder