This is a MongoDB provider for the ASP.NET Core Identity framework. It is completely written from scratch and provides support for all Identity framework interfaces:
- IUserClaimStore
- IUserLoginStore
- IUserRoleStore
- IUserPasswordStore
- IUserSecurityStampStore
- IUserEmailStore
- IUserPhoneNumberStore
- IQueryableUserStore
- IUserTwoFactorStore
- IUserLockoutStore
- IUserAuthenticatorKeyStore
- IUserAuthenticationTokenStore
- IUserTwoFactorRecoveryCodeStore
- IProtectedUserStore
- IRoleStore
- IRoleClaimStore
- IQueryableRoleStore
Library supports .Net 5.0, .Net Core 3.1, .Net Core 2.1 simultaneously started from 8.3.0 nuget package.
AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo is installed from NuGet:
Install-Package AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo
The simplest way to set up:
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo;
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo.Model;
// At the ConfigureServices section in Startup.cs
With Identity and Mongo options:
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo;
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo.Model;
// At the ConfigureServices section in Startup.cs
services.AddIdentityMongoDbProvider<MongoUser>(identity =>
identity.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
// other options
} ,
mongo =>
mongo.ConnectionString = "mongodb://";
// other options
Using User and Role models:
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo;
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo.Model;
// At the ConfigureServices section in Startup.cs
services.AddIdentityMongoDbProvider<MongoUser, MongoRole>(identity =>
identity.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
// other options
mongo =>
mongo.ConnectionString = "mongodb://";
// other options
Using different type of the primary key (default is MongoDB.Bson.ObjectId
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo;
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo.Model;
public class ApplicationUser : MongoUser<string>
public class ApplicationRole : MongoRole<string>
// At the ConfigureServices section in Startup.cs
services.AddIdentityMongoDbProvider<ApplicationUser, ApplicationRole, string>(identity =>
identity.Password.RequiredLength = 8;
// other options
mongo =>
mongo.ConnectionString = "mongodb://";
// other options
To add the stores only, use:
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo;
using AspNetCore.Identity.Mongo.Model;
// At the ConfigureServices section in Startup.cs
.AddMongoDbStores<MongoUser, MongoRole, ObjectId>(mongo =>
mongo.ConnectionString = "mongodb://";
// other options
New releases could/will have the breaking changes.
Folder docs contains migration guides. E.g.:
There you can find information how to migrate from 6.0.0-6.3.5 to 6.7.x version.
There you can find information how to migrate from 3.1.5 to 6.7.x version.
If you have different version of the library and want to update it, please create a new issue. We will try to help you or will create new instruction.
Before create any issue/PR please look at the CONTRIBUTING
This project is licensed under the MIT license