Send data to firebase cloud using SIM800 (GPRS Module) and Atmega328p (Arduino) . before using this code , you have to upload cloud functions to your firebase acount , to do so please follow this steps
1-install node JS on your computer , this is the link for the download ""
2-after downloading and installing Node Js , u need to open command prompt and write the following commands *npm install -g firebase-tools *firebase login 3-Go to firebase project directory that u created on your computer
4-Back to command prompt where you will enter the following command and then follow the orders *firebase init functions
5-Now after completing this command, you have to go to the project directory when u will find "index.js" File , open it using subleme text or any other IDE, and copy the functions file that you will find in this repository into it .
6-After modifying the file , you need to save it and then go back to the command prompt where you will enter the following command *firebase deploy --only functions
7-Enjoy :p :v