Version 1.0
Inmaculada C. Álvarez
Javier Barbero
José L. Zofío.
To use the Toolbox add the folder called "deatoolbox" to the MATLAB path.
The toolbox contains the following folders:
- deatoolbox: all the functions of the toolbox all here. This is the folder you must add to the MATLAB path.
- examplesjss: examples of all the functions included in the toolbox (JSS version).
- examples: examples of all the functions included in the toolbox (Working paper version).
- unittests: unitests of the functions of the toolbox.
Please, cite the toolbox as:
Álvarez, Inmaculada C.; Barbero, Javier and Zofío, José L, (2020) A Data Envelopment Analysis Toolbox for MATLAB. Journal of Statistical Software. Volume 95, Issue 3, pp 1-49.
Code is distributed under the GNU-GPL3