$sm = new Zanson\SMParser\FileParser\SM();
$convert = new \Zanson\SMParser\Model\Convert();
$ssc = $convert->SMtoSSC($sm->song);
$ssc = new Zanson\SMParser\FileParser\SSC();
$convert = new \Zanson\SMParser\Model\Convert();
$sm = $convert->SSCtoSM($ssc->song);
Exports simply take the object in the parser and return a string to be passed to a file or output of your choosing.
If you are not using the file parser class and just have a model, you must instantiate the parser class, and set the song using setsong($object) then run export.
$ssc = new Zanson\SMParser\FileParser\SSC();
$ssc->parse(file_get_contents(dirname(__DIR__) . '/test.ssc'));
file_put_contents($ssc->getFileName(), $ssc->export());
$ssc = new Zanson\SMParser\Model\SSC();
$parse = new Zanson\SMParser\FileParser\SSC();
file_put_contents($parse->getFileName(), $parse->export());