Most of the Dockerfile and are from It was changed a little for my environment It's running on a coreos system. Notes for how I built that are here:
To install the container:
docker pull jasonswat/plex
To run the container:
docker run -d -h plex -v /config:/config -v /video:/video -v /photo:/photo -v /music:/music -p 32400:32400 jasonswat/plex
To login to the container to make sure it's setup correctly:
docker exec -it <container> bash
To allow your network access to configure plex edit this file:
sudo vi /config/Library/Application\ Support/Plex\ Media\ Server/Preferences.xml
add "allowedNetworks=" for example:
Download a new Dockerfile, I do this so I know which version of Dockerfile I am running
git clone
Stop the running containter
docker stop jasonswat/plex (or container id)
Then run a new container just to hold the volumes
docker run --volumes-from jasonswat/plex (or container id) --name my_plex_data busybox true
Now you can remove old container
docker rm jasonswat/plex (or container id)
Build the new image from the clone
cd plex
docker build -t jasonswat/plex --no-cache=false .
Run the new container, using the volumes from the my_plex_data container you created. I used a name that has the plex version in it, but the --name flag is optional
docker run -d -h plex --volumes-from my_plex_data -p 32400:32400 --name plex_0. jasonswat/plex
You can remove the temp container, or keep it around for your next update
docker rm my_plex_data