Vehicle Routing Problem (using Google OR Tools, Bing Maps API)
The given code is for making a simple API based Vehicle Routing Problem Solver using Google OR ToolsThe program uses flask+gunicorn for creating the API.
Installation :
- Run for downloading all the required python libraries using pip
- Run for running the gunicorn server at
- Go to and upload the csv file in the required format
The API could also be queried using POST multipart/form-data requests at
The proclfile has also been attached so that one could directly upload the app on heroku
Note : The application uses Bing Free API for calculating the distance matrix the key should be provided in the key file (currently has nothing) . Make sure to register for a Bing Free API and add the key in the key file before starting the server.
My heroku-application :
Note : Since the heroku-application runs on free-tier program hence takes 20 seconds to boot up from inactivity (of 30 min)