This Python package (hybridizer) creates a class named Hybridizer to communcate with and control the Janelia Hybridizer. The hybridizer uses two hardware control devices, the mixed_signal_controller modular_device, and the bioshake_device. The mixed_signal_controller both switches the valves and reads the analog signals from the cylinder hall effect sensors. The bioshake_device controls the heater/shaker.
Peter Polidoro <[email protected]>
##Example Usage
Open a terminal and enter:
source ~/virtualenvs/hybridizer/bin/activate
hybridzer example_calibration.yaml example_config.yaml
####Debian-based Linux Install Dependencies
Open a terminal and enter:
sudo apt-get install git python-pip python-virtualenv python-dev build-essential -y
###Linux and Mac OS X
Open a terminal and enter:
mkdir ~/git
cd ~/git
git clone
git clone
cd hybridizer
git submodule init
git submodule update
cd ~
mkdir ~/virtualenvs
cd ~/virtualenvs
virtualenv hybridizer
source ~/virtualenvs/hybridizer/bin/activate
pip install hybridizer
On linux, you may need to add yourself to the group 'dialout' in order to have write permissions on the USB port:
Open a terminal and enter:
sudo usermod -aG dialout $USER
sudo reboot
Open a terminal and enter:
virtualenv C:\virtualenvs\hybridizer
pip install ipython
pip install hybridizier