Hastag.js is a js library for finding and replacing hashtags in strings. Useful when working with your own backends that use social media feeds.
Hashtag.js does not require jQuery or any other libraries, it's written in plain Vanilla JS. To install, just include the script in your document:
<script type="text/javascript" src="hashtag.min.js"></script>
As simple as that! Let's say that #myDiv looks like this:
<div id="myDiv">
#hashtags are #cool
After running the replaceTags() function, the tags will be replaced:
<div id="myDiv">
<span class="tag">#hashtags</span> are <span class="tag">#cool</span>
You can set options for the library by using the setOptions() function and passing an object to it.
Hashtags.js supports a simple templating system for replacing tags. To specify a template that should be used for replacing tags, pass it in the setOptions() function:
'template': '<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/{#n}">{#}</a>'
Upon calling the replaceTags() function, all the tags will be replaced with the provided template.
You have two expressions you can use in the template:
- {#} - the hashtag
- {#n} - the name of the hashtag (whitout '#', handy for using in links)
You can have multiple templates set up that yo can alternately use. To do so, you must specify a list of templates in the setOptions() function:
templates: {
'twitter': '<a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/{#n}">{#}</a>',
'fb': '<a href="https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/{#n}">{#}</a>'
Now you can use your templates with the replaceTags() function:
Hashtag.replaceTags('#myDiv', 'fb');