Purchasing Power Parity is a measurement of prices in different countries that uses the prices of specific goods to compare the absolute purchasing power of the countries' currencies.
A person in India might have access to the same set of goods a person in the US would have. For example, Netflix is available both in the US and in India (and hundreds of other places around the world)
But people across different geographies don't earn the same amount of money, and usually, local prices of goods reflect it very well. e.g., the price of a Coke 2L (~68 oz) bottle is 4.4 USD in the US, while you can buy the thing for around 1 USD in India.
Naturally, an average person in India doesn't earn as much.
Using Purchasing Power Parity, product makers get an opportunity to price their products considering local factors. This accounts for the adjustments required in the real exchange rate between the currency of different countries.
This list features a curated set of global products with Purchasing Power Parity support.
- Entertainment
- Books
- Courses
- Enterprise
- Productivity
- SaaS
- List
- Developer Tools
- Community
- Tools
- Resources
- Contribute
- Landing Page Hot Tips
- Pure React Book
- Keep Going
- Zero To Production In Rust
- De-Coding the Technical Interview Process
- Front Line PHP
- Soul Stirring Digital Color Mastery
- Tiny Design Lessons
- Bite Size Bash
- The Tech Resume Inside Out
- Python on Docker Production Handbook
- Opinionated React
- Complete Freelancing Bundle
- Master Gatsby
- Beginner JavaScript
- Advanced React
- ES6 for Everyone
- React for Beginners
- Learn Node
- Scrimba
- Epic React by Kent C. Dodds
- Testing JavaScript
- ui.dev
- Pure React Pro
- Educative
- CodeDamn
- FrontendMasters
- useEffect.dev
- React Query Essentials
- Eloquent Performance Patterns
Send an email to [email protected] to get PPP discount - Event Sourcing in Laravel
- Laravel Beyond CRUD
- Laravel Package Training
- Mastering Nova
Click on the link at the bottom - Node CLI Automation
- Master YouTube
- Knodalo
DM @erikgoinsHQ on Twitter to get PPP discount - Stimulus Reflex Patterns
DM @julian_rubisch on Twitter to get PPP discount - Notion Mastery
- Startup Without Code
- CSS for JavaScript Developers
The course is in pre-launch phase, but the founder promises PPP when it would launch - Server for Hackers
Contact the founder via email - Vim For VSCode
Look for Purchasing Power Parity under the FAQs section - Testing Spring Boot Applications Masterclass
- Newsletter OS
Use the chatbot on the website to ask for PPP
- SaaS File
Contact @cogentgene on Twitter for PPP discount - JustDjango Tutorial Hub
Contact @justdjangocode on Twitter for PPP
- Ray
- Mailcoach
- Media Library Pro
- Divjoy
Send a DM to @gabe_ragland on Twitter for PPP discount - Dracula Pro
- Shiny Object Social Club
DM @tomosman on Twitter
- Parity Bar
Offer your customers a discount based on their location - PPP API
Convert pricing of your product to PPP supported pricing for any country. Comes with a JS library. - Exportator
Offer location based pricing with VPN and proxy protection
- Big Mac Index
- How Wes Bos uses PPP to sell his courses
- Syntax.fm Podcast - Hasty Treat - Purchasing Power Parity
- SaaS pricing using PPP rates by Brian Sigafoos
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