MergeClear is an academic tool to deal with the problem of merge cloned systems. This tool was part of a doctoral and master degree research.
0.5.0 (not mature for commercial use)
Jadson Santos
Uira Kulesza
Daniel Alencar
Gleydson Lima
Fladson Gomes
Just chekout the project for the eclipse. You will need to install the EGit plugin in your eclipse first.
If you find some compile erros, please make sure the all pluing necessary dependences are installed in your eclipse (see dependence section).
See src/br-ufrn-spl-ev/DOC/Ev Tutorial.pdf file for more details about the tool configuration.
To Run the MergeClear you will need to configure two files:
JGit, SVNKit, Xstream, Eclipse JDT
Not necessary
Run the class.
Right Click in the Project -> Run as -> Eclipse Application
The following contributions can be made:
- Improve the algorithm of task dependence detections
- Create a wizard screen to edit configuration files
- Implement the merge and test phases of the approach
- Test the GIT and GITHub integration
- Run this tool to analyze new system and confirm our data
- Improve the documentation
- Write new automatic tests for the tool
White your tests under the src_test source folder. Add your test to the suite.
Jadson Santos - [email protected]