This repository contains all the parallel and distributed assignments for the CSE4022 lab as of Fall'18.
- Import an inaugural speech using nltk.corpus
- Display top five frequent words
- Create a word cloud (Result)
- Use nltk.corpus to plot a conditional frequency distribution (Result)
- Import and use stanford's chinese segmenter (Result)
- Exploring Corpus of Contemporary American english (COCA)
- Remove stopwords from any corpus
- Import CMU wordlist
- Use wordnet
- POS Tag tweets
- Get two texts
- Remove stop words
- Map the text to vector spaces
- Compute cosine(vec1, vec2)
- Use SciPy
- Take a call if you should do Stemming or not
- Implemented a sequence tagger.
- Name Entity Recognition.
- Original Link
- Credit: guillaumegenthial
- Using CogComp to run NLP tools such as Part-of-Speech tagging, Chunking, Named Entity Recognition, etc.
- Original Link
- Credit CogComp
- A Chinese word segmenter
- Designed using Stanford NLP
- A python GUI based application
- Academic review of Apache OpenNLP
- Sample code of OpenNLP in R
- Jacob - Initial work - jacob5412