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Implement multipass analysis
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Closes #380. This changes how Resyntax works by making it produce a single "analysis" object describing all of the multiple rounds of changes to apply to analyzed code before actually modifying any files. The CLI layer is changed into a pure frontend to the analysis API, with none of the multipass logic implemented in the CLI like it was previously.
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jackfirth committed Nov 17, 2024
1 parent 0772c19 commit 385a65f
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Showing 6 changed files with 345 additions and 234 deletions.
261 changes: 82 additions & 179 deletions cli.rkt
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,8 +4,10 @@
(require fancy-app
(except-in racket/list range)
Expand All @@ -14,6 +16,7 @@
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -218,15 +221,15 @@ For help on these, use 'analyze --help' or 'fix --help'."

(define (resyntax-analyze-run)
(define options (resyntax-analyze-parse-command-line))
(define files (file-groups-resolve (resyntax-analyze-options-targets options)))
(printf "resyntax: --- analyzing code ---\n")
(define sources (file-groups-resolve (resyntax-analyze-options-targets options)))
(define analysis
(resyntax-analyze-all sources
#:suite (resyntax-analyze-options-suite options)
#:max-passes 1))
(define results
(transduce files
(λ (portion)
(resyntax-analyze (file-source (file-portion-path portion))
#:suite (resyntax-analyze-options-suite options)
#:lines (file-portion-lines portion))))
(transduce (resyntax-analysis-all-results analysis)
(append-mapping in-hash-values)
(append-mapping refactoring-result-set-results)
#:into into-list))

(define (display-results)
Expand All @@ -244,7 +247,7 @@ For help on these, use 'analyze --help' or 'fix --help'."
(string-indent (~a old-code) #:amount 2)
(string-indent (~a new-code) #:amount 2)))]
[(== github-pull-request-review)
(define req (refactoring-results->github-review results #:file-count (length files)))
(define req (refactoring-results->github-review results #:file-count (length sources)))
(write-json (github-review-request-jsexpr req))]))

(match (resyntax-analyze-options-output-destination options)
Expand All @@ -259,191 +262,91 @@ For help on these, use 'analyze --help' or 'fix --help'."
(define (resyntax-fix-run)
(define options (resyntax-fix-parse-command-line))
(define output-format (resyntax-fix-options-output-format options))
(match output-format
[(== git-commit-message)
(display "This is an automated change generated by Resyntax.\n\n")]
[_ (void)])
(define files
(transduce (file-groups-resolve (resyntax-fix-options-targets options))
(indexing file-portion-path)
(grouping into-list)
#:into into-hash))
(define sources (file-groups-resolve (resyntax-fix-options-targets options)))
(define max-modified-files (resyntax-fix-options-max-modified-files options))
(define max-modified-lines (resyntax-fix-options-max-modified-lines options))
(define results-by-path
(for/fold ([all-results (hash)]
[files files]
[max-fixes (resyntax-fix-options-max-fixes options)]
[lines-to-analyze-by-file (hash)]
#:result all-results)
([pass-number (in-inclusive-range 1 (resyntax-fix-options-max-pass-count options))]
#:do [(define pass-results
(resyntax-fix-run-one-pass options files
#:lines lines-to-analyze-by-file
#:max-fixes max-fixes
#:max-modified-files max-modified-files
#:max-modified-lines max-modified-lines
#:pass-number pass-number))
(define pass-fix-count
(for/sum ([(_ results) (in-hash pass-results)])
(length results)))
(define pass-modified-file-count (hash-count pass-results))
(define new-max-fixes (- max-fixes pass-fix-count))]
#:break (hash-empty? pass-results)
#:final (zero? new-max-fixes))
(define new-files (hash-filter-keys files (hash-has-key? pass-results _)))
(define new-lines-to-analyze
(for/hash ([(path results) (in-hash pass-results)])
(values path
(transduce results
(mapping refactoring-result-modified-line-range)
(filtering nonempty-range?)
#:into (into-range-set natural<=>)))))
(values (hash-union all-results pass-results #:combine append)
(define analysis
(resyntax-analyze-all sources
#:suite (resyntax-fix-options-suite options)
#:max-fixes (resyntax-fix-options-max-fixes options)
#:max-passes (resyntax-fix-options-max-pass-count options)
#:max-modified-sources max-modified-files
#:max-modified-lines max-modified-lines))
(resyntax-analysis-write-file-changes! analysis)
(match output-format
[(== plain-text) (printf "resyntax: --- summary ---\n")]
[(== git-commit-message) (printf "## Summary\n\n")])
(define total-fixes
(for/sum ([(_ results) (in-hash results-by-path)])
(length results)))
(define total-files (hash-count results-by-path))
[(== git-commit-message)
(resyntax-fix-print-git-commit-message analysis)]
[(== plain-text)
(resyntax-fix-print-plain-text-summary analysis)]))

(define (resyntax-fix-print-git-commit-message analysis)
(display "This is an automated change generated by Resyntax.\n\n")
(for ([pass-results (resyntax-analysis-all-results analysis)]
[pass-number (in-naturals 1)])
(unless (hash-empty? pass-results)
(printf "#### Pass ~a\n\n" pass-number))
(for ([(source result-set) (in-hash pass-results)])
(define result-count (length (refactoring-result-set-results result-set)))
(define fix-string (if (> result-count 1) "fixes" "fix"))
;; For a commit message, we always use a relative path since we're likely running inside
;; some CI runner. Additionally, we make the path a link to the corresponding file at HEAD,
;; since making file paths clickable is pleasant.
(define relative-path (find-relative-path (current-directory) (source-path source)))
(define repo-head-path (format "../blob/HEAD/~a" relative-path))
(printf "Applied ~a ~a to [`~a`](~a)\n\n"
result-count fix-string relative-path repo-head-path)
(for ([result (in-list (refactoring-result-set-results result-set))])
(define line (refactoring-result-original-line result))
(define rule (refactoring-result-rule-name result))
(define message (refactoring-result-message result))
(printf " * Line ~a, `~a`: ~a\n" line rule message))
(printf "## Summary\n\n")
(define total-fixes (resyntax-analysis-total-fixes analysis))
(define total-files (resyntax-analysis-total-sources-modified analysis))
(define fix-counts-by-rule
(transduce (hash-values results-by-path)
(append-mapping values)
(indexing refactoring-result-rule-name)
(grouping into-count)
(transduce (in-hash-entries (multiset-frequencies (resyntax-analysis-rules-applied analysis)))
(sorting #:key entry-value #:descending? #true)
#:into into-list))
(define issue-string (if (> total-fixes 1) "issues" "issue"))
(define file-string (if (> total-files 1) "files" "file"))
(define summary-message
(if (zero? total-fixes)
"No issues found.\n"
(format "Fixed ~a ~a in ~a ~a.\n\n" total-fixes issue-string total-files file-string)))
(match output-format
[(== plain-text) (printf "\n ~a" summary-message)]
[(== git-commit-message) (printf summary-message)])
(if (zero? total-fixes)
(printf "No issues found.\n")
(printf "Fixed ~a ~a in ~a ~a.\n\n" total-fixes issue-string total-files file-string))
(for ([rule+count (in-list fix-counts-by-rule)])
(match-define (entry rule count) rule+count)
(define occurrence-string (if (> count 1) "occurrences" "occurrence"))
(define rule-string
(match output-format
[(== plain-text) rule]
[(== git-commit-message) (format "`~a`" rule)]))
(printf " * Fixed ~a ~a of ~a\n" count occurrence-string rule-string))
(printf " * Fixed ~a ~a of `~a`\n" count occurrence-string rule))
(unless (zero? total-fixes)

(define (resyntax-fix-run-one-pass options files
#:lines lines-to-analyze-by-file
#:max-fixes max-fixes
#:max-modified-files max-modified-files
#:max-modified-lines max-modified-lines
#:pass-number pass-number)
(define output-format (resyntax-fix-options-output-format options))
(match output-format
[(== plain-text)
(unless (equal? pass-number 1)
(printf "resyntax: --- pass ~a ---\n" pass-number))
(printf "resyntax: --- analyzing code ---\n")]
[_ (void)])
(define all-results
(transduce (in-hash-entries files) ; entries with file path keys and lists of file-portion? values

;; The following steps perform a kind of layered shuffle: the files to refactor are
;; shuffled such that files in the same directory remain together. When combined with
;; the #:max-modified-files argument, this makes Resyntax prefer to refactor closely
;; related files instead of selecting arbitrary unrelated files from across an entire
;; codebase. This limits potential for merge conflicts and makes changes easier to
;; review, since it's more likely the refactored files will have shared context.

; key by directory
(indexing (λ (e) (simple-form-path (build-path (entry-key e) 'up))))

; group by key and shuffle within each group
(grouping (into-transduced (shuffling) #:into into-list))

; shuffle groups

; ungroup and throw away directory
(append-mapping entry-value)

;; Now the stream contains exactly what it did before the above steps, but shuffled in
;; a convenient manner.

(append-mapping entry-value) ; throw away the file path, we don't need it anymore
(mapping (filter-file-portion _ lines-to-analyze-by-file))
(λ (portion)
(resyntax-analyze (file-source (file-portion-path portion))
#:suite (resyntax-fix-options-suite options)
#:lines (file-portion-lines portion))))
(limiting max-modified-lines
#:by (λ (result)
(define replacement (refactoring-result-line-replacement result))
(add1 (- (line-replacement-original-end-line replacement)
(line-replacement-start-line replacement)))))
(if (equal? max-fixes +inf.0) (transducer-pipe) (taking max-fixes))
(if (equal? max-modified-files +inf.0)
(λ (result)
(syntax-replacement-source (refactoring-result-syntax-replacement result))))
(grouping into-list)
(taking max-modified-files)
(append-mapping entry-value)))
#:into into-list))
(define results-by-path
(λ (result)
(syntax-replacement-source (refactoring-result-syntax-replacement result)))))
(grouping (into-transduced (sorting #:key refactoring-result-original-line) #:into into-list))
#:into into-hash))
(match output-format
[(== plain-text) (printf "resyntax: --- fixing code ---\n")]
[(== git-commit-message)
(unless (hash-empty? results-by-path)
(printf "#### Pass ~a\n\n" pass-number))])
(for ([(path results) (in-hash results-by-path)])
(define result-count (length results))
(define fix-string (if (> result-count 1) "fixes" "fix"))
(match output-format
[(== plain-text)
(printf "resyntax: applying ~a ~a to ~a\n\n" result-count fix-string path)]
[(== git-commit-message)
;; For a commit message, we always use a relative path since we're likely running inside
;; some CI runner. Additionally, we make the path a link to the corresponding file at HEAD,
;; since making file paths clickable is pleasant.
(define relative-path (find-relative-path (current-directory) path))
(define repo-head-path (format "../blob/HEAD/~a" relative-path))
(printf "Applied ~a ~a to [`~a`](~a)\n\n"
result-count fix-string relative-path repo-head-path)])
(for ([result (in-list results)])
(define line (refactoring-result-original-line result))
(define rule (refactoring-result-rule-name result))
(define message (refactoring-result-message result))
(match output-format
[(== plain-text) (printf " * [line ~a] ~a: ~a\n" line rule message)]
[(== git-commit-message) (printf " * Line ~a, `~a`: ~a\n" line rule message)]))
(refactor! results)

(define (filter-file-portion portion lines-by-path)
(define path (file-portion-path portion))
(define lines (file-portion-lines portion))
(define ranges-to-remove (range-set-complement (hash-ref lines-by-path path all-lines)))
(file-portion path (range-set-remove-all lines ranges-to-remove)))
(define (resyntax-fix-print-plain-text-summary analysis)
(printf "resyntax: --- summary ---\n\n")
(define total-fixes (resyntax-analysis-total-fixes analysis))
(define total-files (resyntax-analysis-total-sources-modified analysis))
(define message
[(zero? total-fixes) "No issues found."]
[(equal? total-fixes 1) "Fixed 1 issue in 1 file."]
[(equal? total-files 1) (format "Fixed ~a issues in 1 file." total-fixes)]
[else (format "Fixed ~a issues in ~a files." total-fixes total-files)]))
(printf " ~a\n\n" message)
(define rules-applied (resyntax-analysis-rules-applied analysis))
(transduce (in-hash-entries (multiset-frequencies rules-applied))
(sorting #:key entry-value #:descending? #true)
(λ (e)
(match-define (entry rule-name rule-fixes) e)
(define message
(if (equal? rule-fixes 1)
(format "Fixed 1 occurrence of ~a" rule-name)
(format "Fixed ~a occurrences of ~a" rule-fixes rule-name)))
(format " * ~a\n" message)))
#:into (into-for-each display))
(when (positive? total-fixes)

(module+ main
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