git clone
cd hand_mouse_control
conda env create -f environment.yml
source activate tutor (environment name - ‘tutor’)
press ‘a’ - start/stop mouse control
press ‘w’ - draw blind zones (transparent green) where hand can’t be placed at full size
press ‘h’ - show/hide green rectangles for hand extraction
press ‘s’ - calculate range for color hand extraction (color collected from green 9 green rectangles.
press ‘q’ - quit program
python -c 0
# -c 0 -> camera id (if only one camera - 0)
from the window (‘Colored mask’) you can see how you hand is extracted.
place your hand on green rectangles and press ‘s’ until image in window (‘Hand’) show you only your extracted hand
press ‘h’ to hide green rects
press ‘a’ to start mouse movements
move your left hand and watch at mouse. 2 fingers - move, 1 finger - left click, 0 - right click
press ‘w’ to see blind zones